When Svan sent us the Totseat to review I was totally excited. As a mommy on the go having a portable child seat is a pretty important thing. My baby loves to be a part of whatever the kids and I are doing and having my hands free to help my toddler and my 4 year old is very important as well. Thats why I love this new portable child seat, the Totseat. It is an easy way to transform an adult chair into a safe and comfortable seat for your baby.
Totseat comes with its very own little carry case. It is so cute and simple to use. It has The 2 pieces that come in the little bag. One sash that would be used to help secure a back in case the chair you are using does not have lower back support and then of course the actual tot seat.
It is so very easy to use which for me is important! Hungry children have no patience! You just slip it over the back of the chair and secure the Totseat on each side of the chair. Then sit your baby down and pull the front up between his legs and button on the back! Voila!! Easy, Fast, And SAFE! Baby is now safely strapped to the chair and moms hands are free to take care of dinner and feeding everyone or doing whatever else that needs to be done!
We took it with us to florida as our very own travel highchair and it was amazing to have in our room when we ordered room service. That way we did not have to lug up a highchair that would just clutter up our already pretty small hotel room. As you can see its as comfortable for baby as it is for mommy to not have to keep holding baby in mommys lap as we eat.
The Totseat Gets Bragging Rights!!
One lucky Bragging Mommy Reader will win a Totseat portable child seat!
How to enter: Leave comments below with your qualifying entries. Leave a Separate comment for each entry telling us which you qualify for.
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You can enter this giveaway until Sept. 18 @11:59 pm MST. The winner will then be chosen at random, verified and contacted via email. The winner will have 48 hours to email us back and claim the prize, if prize is not claimed within 48 hours a new winner will be chosen. By entering this giveaway you agree to The Bragging Mommy Full Disclosure. You must be over the age of 18 and live in the Contiguous US to enter.