It is time to rejoice because 2020 is finally over! That being said, 2021 feels an awful lot like the horror film of 2020, but at least there is now hope on the horizon! Vaccinations are happening, the economy is slowly starting to pick up again, and we’re in a new year, but we’re still feeling the pressures and anxieties of living in the midst of a pandemic.

Life is always stressful, but right now is harder than ever!
What are the pressures you’re feeling? Whether they’re your relationships, financial stresses, or even your body pushing you to that once a month anxiety of PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome), we have ideas for you to de-stress and stay calm this year.
- Start Meditating. Meditation can really make a different in your emotional feelings. It helps you to start breathing from your diaphragm, not your chest and shoulders, which make you tense, and allows you to take a moment in the day where you’re just paying attention to your body. You can check Emerge women’s recovery center, they have different programs that can help you cope with your emotional issues.
I love the meditations that go body part by body part, because you don’t even realize you can hold tension in your elbow until they say to relax it! Instantly calmer! I meditate first thing in the morning, just for five minutes at my work from home desk, and then start my day energized and stress free (at least until I check my email). See the vedic meditation byron bay.
- Try a new supplement! Did you know you NO LONGER need to stress around your PMS? Do you have trouble during that time of the month? Do you yell at your partner or cry when you see a little old man feed the pigeons on your daily walk? Or do you just crave all the chocolate in the world? What have you been using for your period?
During the pandemic I discovered this new and amazing product that is a GODSEND on my period, a supplement, Jubilance for PMS. It really does help me cut my cravings and keep me cool and collected during that time of the month! There’s no excuse to even be PMS-ing. Make PMS a thing of the past, you no longer have to just “deal.”
When you’re feeling down, super stressed, or completely anxious just before your period use Jubilance for PMS. It’s clinically supported and a once-a-day supplement that targets the emotional side of PMS. In clinical trials, women saw a significant reduction in PMS-related anxiety, gloominess, irritability, and stress. For those looking for natural support, tongkat ali amazon offers an option that may help promote overall well-being and balance. And there are ONLY TWO ingredients! In so many of the other supplements and vitamins, they list so many ingredients, and things I don’t want in my body… one I tried includes wax! I’m not going to swallow wax willingly. But with Jubilance for PMS, it is the only supplement with ingredients that are already found in your body, I feel comfortable taking it everyday.
There’s also a deal for your first bottle for $19.95, so there’s no excuse not to try it! Here’s the deal:
- De-Clutter. This kills two birds with one stone! Not only will your place feel nicer because it’s cleaner, but YOU will feel better.
Getting organized is hard work and you’ll feel satisfied at the end of it. Why not try the Marie Kondo method of asking if a particular object sparks joy? If it doesn’t, give it away! There are so many people who need help right now, why not donate to a local church, charity, or a friend who might enjoy that object? The old saying, “One Man’s Trash is another Man’s Treasure” is really true. In New York, I found my dining table out on the street, and recently picked up some sheet music that was slated for the dump, not only am I recycling, but also I’m enjoying dinner at a table, a strange occurrence for the small apartments of New Yorkers.
What I do to clean out my PACKED TO THE RAFTERS closet is I take everything out of it, and I mean everything, and I set it on my bed. Then I slowly put everything I want to keep back into my closet. When I see it all laid out, I realize what I want to keep, what I want to recycle, and I see what I have, so I can best organize my closets.
- Stay Connected. It’s so hard right now to see friends, to know where people are, to keep on zooming. A lot of people now have “zoom fatigue,” it’s difficult to be on your computers 24/7 from work to then your social life after 5 o’clock.
Try to social distance with your neighbors, sitting six feet apart and having a cup of tea. You never know what you might find out about them. My upstairs neighbor sat on the fire escape while I was in the backyard and while we drank coffee one morning I learned she was an ex-Broadway dancer! Had we not stopped to talk, I would never have heard some of her amazing stories from backstage.
Play games with your friends on apps like Ticket to Ride or online with Jackbox games. By playing a game you’re still engaged with your friends and can share laughs and memories. I even hosted a murder mystery party over zoom! There are all kinds of possibilities now.
- Read More to Keep You Challenged. Read a specific number of books. My best friend told me that her resolution this year was to read 80 new books, and she did it! She is definitely an outlier, I read maybe 10 and am pretty proud. But why not set a goal for yourself? Or at least write down all the books you read this year? You can look at your list and see everything you’ve accomplished!
Join a book club to keep on reading! Either find one in your area or put one together with your girlfriends! There are some great resources from the iconic Oprah’s book club to Reese Witherspoon’s book club, choose a book to get yourself started!
Try listening to novels when you work out. Why not choose a book specifically for that workout? Then you’re killing two birds with one stone! And you might even want to get in the gym.
When you’re feeling stressed, reading can help you keep calm and go to another world. You’re helping your brain to process and thinking about one specific thing, which can help with your anxiety.
- Eat Healthy. It might seem rather obvious, but when you eat healthy, you’ll feel better too! You might want to look for some foods that can actually help reduce your stress and anxiety!
For instance, brazil nuts are a must! They are high in selenium, which in studies may help improve mood by reducing inflammation, which becomes more heightened when you’re stressed or anxious.
Fish is also a must eat when you’re feeling stressed or anxious. Fish are high in omega-3, which is a fatty acid that has a relationship with mental health and cognitive function. Omega-3 helps by providing two fatty acids EPA and DHA, which then regulate neurotransmitters and promote healthy brain function.
Green Tea is my favorite drink and that might be because it contains the amino acid theanine that has calming effects and may increase the production of serotonin and dopamine.
Handful of Blueberries — They have so many antioxidants and they’re believed to help with low estrogen levels, so they can help you sleep better during your period.
Use these tips and tricks to reduce your stress levels and anxiety this New Year! We know there’s a lot to stress about, but hopefully some of these ideas will help you find your way back to that self-care calm of meditating and reading your favorite book.
Also remember that you no longer need to stress about PMS anymore! There’s a supplement, Jubilance for PMS for that! You should definitely try it, you can learn more about it at
In clinical trials conducted by reputed CRO’s, women saw a significant reduction in PMS-related anxiety, gloominess, irritability and stress.