“Walt Disney Animation Studios returns to the Hundred Acre Wood with “Winnie the Pooh.” Featuring the timeless charm, wit and whimsy of the original short films, this all-new movie reunites audiences with the philosophical “bear of very little brain” and friends Tigger, Rabbit, Piglet, Owl, Kanga, Roo—and last, but certainly not least, Eeyore, who has lost his tail. “Ever have one of those days where you just can’t win, Eeyore?” asks Pooh. Owl sends the whole gang on a wild quest to save Christopher Robin from an imaginary culprit. It turns out to be a very busy day for a bear who simply set out to find some honey. Inspired by three stories from A.A. Milne’s books in Disney’s classic, hand-drawn art style, “Winnie the Pooh” hits theaters in the U.S. on July 15, 2011.”-Disney
We couldn’t wait to see the new Winnie the Pooh movie. I loved Winnie the Pooh as a child and have passed that love on to Bug. This movie from start to finish it was pure entertainment! It has a running time of 1 hour and I have to say it is the perfect amount of time. Having a short length helps for the younger children and their short attention spans. It ends before they have the urge to get up and run around.
Pooh’s tummy is very funny and a character in itself :) Once you’ve seen it you’ll know exactly what I mean.
I found myself laughing throughout the movie, this is something I didn’t expect, but was a pleasant surprise. Also, hearing all the squeals and giggles from the kids in the audience was adorable. Even my husband enjoyed it and was laughing throughout. I think this movie will appeal to all ages.
The best thing about this movie is how family friendly it is. It’s rated G, and it is so pure and uplifting. That is so hard to come buy in a movie these days. Disney has definitely hit a home run with this movie. It is hands down the best family movie of 2011!
This is a must see with your kids! Be sure to stay through the credits because there is a fun little clip after they end!
Winnie the Pooh is in theaters now!
Winnie the Pooh gets Bragging Rights!
*I attended an advanced screening of Winnie the Pooh for my review.