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Childhood development is one of the most responsible and difficult tasks for each parent. There are different opinions concerning the most appropriate time to start educating the kid. According to the experts, the period from birth to 6-7 years is the most favorable time for the development of the child’s abilities. The best way to follow these recommendations is to ensure the baby to Little Scholars Daycare, where specialists will help the little ones use all their potential to succeed.
What spheres can be developed in a daycare service?
Systematizing the concept of abilities, Little Scholars Daycare can divide them into two main groups: specific and natural. Specific skills are formed under the influence of historical, social factors and ensure the life and development of a child in a social environment. Natural abilities depend on heredity and genetics.
Special skills
There is a wide range of specific capabilities:
- Special. Determine the child’s success in certain activities. The preschool period is characterized by such specific aptitudes as: artistic – decorative, applied and graphic ; theatrical speech. During classes in preschool Brooklyn, the babies will be able to choose the most interesting and suitable direction for them;
- Technical – this area is related to drawing, modeling and design. Children who improve this skill are always good at geometry, astronomy, draftsmanship and physics.
- Leadership – in particular, children with these abilities are talented communicators. They can easily cooperate with peers as well as adults.
- Creative – this ability to think contrary to the crowd. Thanks to the teachers of daycare preschool, kids learn to use fantasy and imagination, realizing themselves in playing, socialization, and cultivate critical thinking.
- Sensory – this includes information about the properties of an object, phonemes of speech, colors, a variety of forms and more.
Natural abilities
Natural capabilities are a list of skills that have been formed from the birth. In a combination with life experience children can be talented in learning languages, doing sports or learning science. These skills also include memory, the speed of perception of the material and the ability to communicate.
In general, Little Scholars Daycare characterize them the following criteria:
- the speed of learning knowledge and skills;
- predisposition to a certain type of activity;
- resistance to stress;
- the presence of the ultimate limits of ability;
- public recognition of unique opportunities;
- non-standard results.
How do these abilities form?
Performing actions, the child forms certain skills. Thus, the competent organization of the child’s activities by daycare near Brooklyn will allow kids to show and strengthen their abilities as efficiently as possible even in the preschool period.
Basic rules for organizing activities for the young ones include:
- Organization of appropriate environment, equipment and learning material for comprehensive development.
- Active and frequent attention of adults increases the likelihood of developing abilities.
- Adequate behavior of adults is a bright example for the kids, making attempts to realize themselves.
- Familiarization of the baby with all types of activities (corresponding to their age category) to establish their personal interests.
It’s very beneficial to follow these recommendations in childhood education. That’s why Little Scholars Daycare use all these methods in their practice.