Lately, we’ve seen prayer apps gaining a lot of traction, and it’s easy to understand why when you really look closely at the world today. We live in a world of unprecedented technological advances where everything is designed to be easier and more convenient. The bottom line is that churches and religious institutions that don’t adapt with the changing technology simply can’t survive or appeal to a wider audience.

Technology has changed the way we communicate significantly. Prayer apps aren’t designed to alienate people or drive church communities apart. In fact, they’re designed to do the opposite. Let’s look closer at why prayer apps have gained so much traction lately and why it matters to us as Christians.
Using a prayer website or app is a great way to engage in church services while still maintaining social distancing. More importantly, it’s a simple, but practical way to make daily prayer a priority. With the onset of COVID-19 earlier this year, the world has changed dramatically in the span of just a few months. We can no longer gather in large groups, which meant that many churches had to close their doors for good. The way we worship was forced to change as we adapted to a new threat to humanity and our way of life.
Cue the entrance of prayer apps and websites like Pray. These apps/sites have helped us stay connected with the religious community and get the resources we need during these difficult times. With daily prayers, the ability to connect with the community, and many other features, the modern prayer app is something of a necessity for the practicing Christian.
A Changing World
Even before COVID-19 brought the nation and the world to its knees, the world was changing. Where once we only had access to printed Bibles and religious texts, they were suddenly available online, on CD, and in several other formats. Where once we gathered in a church to worship, online services became available. As technology changed and advanced, so too did the way we worship.
We can expect that as the future of technology continues to press forward into uncharted territory, we’ll see some new changes to worship as well. We’ve already got apps that can provide us with daily prayers and connect us with the community. Next, we’ll be praying in VR!
Convenience and Ease of Use
Perhaps the most practical reason behind the growth of prayer apps and sites is convenience. It’s far more convenient to have an app remind you when it’s time to pray or send you daily prayers than to look them up in a book like the Bible, as you can see on this website. It’s much easier to sit at home on a video conference call than to actually attend church services.
This is a double-edged sword that technology offers us. On one hand, it does help make things easier, especially for those who have disabilities or other complications and can’t make it to services. On the other hand, it makes us more dependent on these tech tools. So much so, in some cases, that we don’t even read anymore.
Whatever the drawbacks may be, we can certainly agree that prayer apps make things much easier. They’re easy to use, too, which helps eliminate the barrier that often keeps people from using technology. Older generations can find just as much use for these apps as younger ones.
More Connectivity and Inclusivity
Internet is no longer a luxury, but a utility. Those with an internet connection can connect to just about anything anywhere in the world, which means prayer apps are more inclusive. They help people connect with the greater community who may not have the means to.
Let’s not forget that not everyone can read and interpret the archaic language of the Bible. Sometimes, an audiobook or even a simple prayer is the better route, and modern prayer apps often feature both. Pray features a reading of the Bible by none other than James Earl Jones himself—the voice of such iconic characters at Star Wars’ Darth Vader and the Lion King’s Mufasa.
The Future of Technology and Prayer
With new technology such as AI and VR on the rise, there’s a good chance the way we pray will undergo yet another renaissance. Imagine attending one of the largest prayer rallies in the world completely in virtual reality. Technology is always changing, and in order to stay updated and relevant, our religious organizations must change, too.
Prayer apps might be a relatively newer concept, but they’re still becoming an important part of overall worship. With extra features like Bible audiobooks, community forums, and more, it’s not just about prayer; it’s about connecting with the community and having an all-in-one worship tool at your fingertips. Try an app like Pray today and learn why so many people are turning to prayer apps!