A child loves to play especially with their toys. However, parents often get tired of their non-ending demands for new toys. Some love their toys so much that they keep them with them always and also give them their name. But have you ever wondered whether you should buy a new toy for your kid? Or if there is any benefit of playing with toys?

Well, in this article we will discuss about the benefits of toys and help you to buy appropriate toys for your kid.
Toys are important for your child’s development. It helps them to explore new things, develop new skills and learn new skills. Appropriate toys can help them to grow nicely.
Qualities of a Good Toy
A good toy is something safe for your child. Keep intriguing them for a longer period so that they don’t get bored with it. In addition, they should last longer.
For example, blocks, douse sets, animal sets, doctor sets, construction toys, and many more.
You can buy a perfect toy for your kid for learning from junior learning toys.
Benefits of Toys
#1. Motor Skills
Children can develop their motor skills by playing with different toys. For instance, their five senses, balance, coordination, and movement.
Fine Motor Skills
Sight: Different and interactive toy designs improve your sense of sight.
Touch: By touching and playing with different toys their sense of touch improves.
Hearing: Various toys like a drum, rattle, whistle improves their hearing.
2. Problem Solving
Toys like puzzles, blocks, chess, scrabble, monopoly, etc help your child’s problem-solving skills. They try until they succeed and develop memory, focus, and dedication along with.
3. Social
Toys can improve your child’s social skills. He will learn how to communicate in society, first with you for asking and then with other kids by playing. By playing together they will learn how to share things, respect, cooperate, and team spirit.
4. Creativity
Toys help children to build creativity in them. Through playing, they can express their emotions and take their creativity and imagination to next level.
Have you ever noticed your child playing with their toys in their imaginary world? For instance, a girl child would use their toy kitchen set, toy house, and a doll and imagine as if she would imitate real life.
Similarly, a boy would use his toys to fulfill his heroic dream.
5. Emotional Development
A child experiences different emotions because of toys, for example, excitement, happiness, sadness, anger, confusion, laughter, surprised, etc. This is good for their emotional development and then will even forth learn to experience them.
#6. Concentration
Concentration is important for your child’s future. It helps them to score better in studies, career, sports, and many others… Here comes a toy to rescue… concentration on their toys and solving their problems helps them to build their concentration.
#7. IQ
Challenging toys help your child to improve their IQ by practicing memory retention, coordination, and concentration. For example, he will try to mimic a building using different blocks, try to make a drawing using their memory, and playing puzzle games.
Different types of Toys for Different Age Group
Toys are beneficial for your child’s growth but this doesn’t imply that you can give your toddler a puzzle game. It has no uses for him therefore, here is a list of toys for different age groups:
Babies (0-1 years)
Babies are curious one, they love to explore things around them. They are at an exploring age and therefore as a parent, you have to help them. You show opt for safe toys of different shapes, sizes, color, sound, vision. This will help them to develop their motor skills, both fine and gross, and body coordination.
Toys Suitable for Babies
· Mobiles
· Rattles
· Blocks
· Small and kids’ friendly toys with light and sound
· Ring Stack
Toddlers (1-3 years old)
Toddlers are super mobile. They will explore their new skills of moving and would use them as much as they can. Therefore, you should provide them with toys which help them to build their balance and coordination.
Moreover, you can give them themed toys that make sounds, blocks, crayon sets, simple puzzles, balls, etc. Try to encourage their creativity, questions, and observance.
Toys Suitable for Toddlers
· Balls
· Blocks
· Push Cars
· Walkers
· Ride-on horse
Playschool (3-5 years old)
A 3-5 years child asks many questions. Why? Because they are learning. Now they have better skills and senses. They now have mastered the skills of walking. Try to encourage their imagination by giving them playsets. Moreover, try to make their learning fun with different educational toys.
Toys Suitable for Playschool
· Tricycles
· Basketball hoops
· Board games
· Jigsaw Puzzle
· Clay
· Building Blocks
· Music Instruments
Kids (+6 years)
Till this age children have developed their interest and liking. Their demand for toys is a peek. You have to be careful of providing them with digital technology more. For girls, you can buy jewelry-making toys, doll sets, kitchen sets, etc. This will help them to boost their creativity, imagination, and other skills.
For boys, you can give them remote control cars, construction toys, etc. This will help them to ask even more questions as to how does a remote control a car.
Toys Suitable for Kids
· Football
· Bicycles
· Skateboard
· Skipping rope
· Board games
· Chess
· Instruments
Try to incorporate play and study in equal amounts. They both are important for your child’s development. Moreover, your child can study through several toys. Even you can boost their IQ with different toys like board games, puzzles, blocks, and many more.