Parenting is one of the toughest roles that we could ever have, and there is no formula on how to do it right. As most parents would tell you, no amount of reading or research can prepare you for the real thing. You have to be responsible for another person’s life and you need to provide them with the tools to enable them to grow and develop. From their physical, emotional, mental, social, and communication skills, you need to be able to prepare them to take on developmental tasks that will lead to their progress.

For sure, many theories and books had been written about what constitutes proper development and parents try as much as they can to guide their children and ensure that they can become independent. One of the most difficult tasks that a parent has to take on with their developing children is potty training. This is made easier today by the use of diapers, thus young children do not have to worry about peeing or pooping in the wrong place and time as the diapers would catch it. it is convenient for the parent and child as it contains the mess and accidents rarely happen.
However, the extended use of diapers has delayed potty training and at times, young children have difficulty holding their urine and bowel movements because they have been used to the diaper. By the time the child can go to the bathroom on their own, they become experts at holding it in. most of the time, going to the bathroom becomes stressful for the child and the reaction from the parents also contributes to that stress.
Even if there is no negative attitude toward relieving themselves in the bathroom, most children would not want to be disrupted from their activities and games, and hence they hold it for as long as they can. This is unhealthy and can cause conditions like urine and bowel holding dysfunction which means that the bladder and bowels are not properly emptied because they have been held in for far too long, which can also lead to incontinence and constipation. This condition has been treated successfully with pediatric pelvic floor physiotherapy.
What is pediatric pelvic floor therapy?
Pediatric pelvic floor therapy is a procedure designed to treat urine and bowel holding dysfunction, the therapy aims to teach the bladder and bowel to extend and empty themselves so that there will be no accidental leaks and constipation. The therapy targets the pelvic floor muscles which are located in the pelvis. The patient will be attached to a biofeedback machine in which muscle movements in the pelvic floor will be recorded as they are given instructions by the physical therapists.
The exercise is repeated until the patient gets the proper way to distend, elongate, and control the pelvic floor. Each session will last for an hour or more, depending on the performance of the patient. If the patient is a fast learner, then he or she can master it in no time, but some children have to take their time and this would mean that you will have to wait until their physical therapist tells them that they have done it correctly.
The pelvic floor is made up of muscles and just like any muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. Thus, getting pediatric pelvic floor therapy is the best treatment for incontinence and constipation. When the bladder and bowels are able to empty all of their contents there will be no accidental leaks or constipation and the long-term effects of the therapy will be evident as they grow older and have healthy bladder and bowel habits.
Where to have pediatric pelvic floor therapy?
Pediatric pelvic floor therapy is a specially developed physical therapy procedure for very young children, it is non-invasive not like adult pelvic floor therapy. It is only performed by licensed and trained physical therapists who have a special certificate in pediatric physical therapy. Young children have very young muscles that are still developing and if not done properly can potentially cause damage. So be sure to go to a physical therapy clinic or center that has well-trained and equipped therapists and equipment.
There are independent physical therapists who can provide home services, but it is still a good idea to go to a clinic since it will give you the assurance that they are legitimate physical therapists and if you need to contact them or have concerns in the future, then you know where to find them and how to contact them. Usually, physical therapists work in hospital-based rehabilitation centers, but there has been a growth in the number of independent rehab clinics that are run by a company or organization of physical therapists and physicians. This type of clinic is the most likely to offer pediatric pelvic floor therapy.
What are the benefits of pediatric floor therapy?
Potty training is one of the most difficult tasks that parents have to teach their children and more often than not it does not work at all that left to their own devices, children are expected to learn it. thus, along the way, children may develop bad habits that can lead to bladder and bowel holding dysfunction. Even if they are potty trained properly, there can also be times when they hold their urine or bowel far too long and this affects their pelvic floor muscle control. Hence, pediatric pelvic floor therapy is aimed at helping children use their pelvic floor muscles properly and build muscle strength so they can extend and elongate it so that it will empty all of its contents.
This therapy has been found to be the most effective in treating incontinence and constipation without the need for medication or any other treatments that are too much for young children. It also saves the parent from having to clean up after every accident or bedwetting episode. Having to deal with the child’s incontinence can be frustrating for the parent, and it can also be traumatic for the child, so getting pediatric pelvic floor treatment ensures that you avoid such from happening.