You might have heard this before, but going non-toxic is a great idea when you are around babies.
Small children will greatly benefit if you can avoid products known to have many chemicals.
Click this website to learn more about non-toxic products you can get for your babies.

Your child’s health is of great importance. In everything you do for your child, always think about their health.
This is especially true for babies whose immune system is not as strong as yours.
Little to no exposure to products laced with chemicals should be promoted.
So what are some products that you should make sure are toxic-free?
Bathroom Products
This is especially important since these are made to clean your baby’s skin.
From shampoos to bath soaps, these products should be as toxic-free as possible.
However, you must also be aware that many bath products are filled with chemicals.
Common chemicals in shampoos include parabens, formaldehyde, and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS).
Most of these are used as preservatives to ensure that bacteria do not form or grow. Unfortunately, they can also give off negative effects if used in excess.
The chemicals found can cause skin irritation and even be a detriment to the baby’s respiratory system.
Another thing that gets added to shampoos and bath soaps is fragrances.
Fragrances are added into the mix to give the product a nice aroma. Having a good-smelling scent does sound good.
But such scents are strong, especially for a child. Strong scents can cause discomfort for babies. This is why you don’t want to wear perfumes or put on strong deodorants whenever you are near them.
This is why there are chemical-free alternatives to many of these bath products. Instead of chemicals that sound harmful, look for natural ingredients designed to make your skin feel good and healthy at the same time.
Here are a few ingredients found in natural shampoos.
- Aloe vera
- Plant Oils
- Coconut Oil
- Fruit extracts
- Essential Oils
These ingredients are soft to the touch, perfect for babies whose skin is sensitive and delicate.
A lot of these products also come in fragrance-free options. This makes it perfect for your child.
Bottle Cleaner
Baby bottles and sippy cups are important to clean every so often. Baby formula can have a knack for staining bottles, and leaving them as is for too long will create a noticeably strong odor.
Not to mention, it’s also sanitary to clean after use.
Similar to bath products, they should also be chemical-free. You want to ensure that the soap does not linger in the bottle for far too long.
This can lead to some bad aftertaste. What’s worse is the baby ingests it while drinking the baby formula.
Just as there are non-toxic bath products, there are also toxin-free bottle dish soaps.
These products are plant-based, so they do not leave out harmful chemicals. They also do not leave behind strong fragrances and come with fragrance-free options to be extra safe.
Bath products aren’t the only thing that should be toxic-free. This applies very well to the bedding you use for your children.
This includes pillows, pillowcases, and bed sheets.
Babies will be spending a lot of hours sleeping. That is a lot of hours spent in their bed.
This is not good if their crib is still off-gassing, where the scent of the crib is still circulating around the room for the baby to inhale.
This is unpleasant if the off-gassing takes a long while and the baby has a small room. All that strong chemical scent circulating around that child’s room will be an ideal place to sleep for a young child.
Off-gassing: trapped air escaping the mattress.
One of the reasons why chemicals are used is to make the bed resistant to fires. Although it will make the bed less flammable, the chemicals can still cause harm when they escape through the air via off-gassing.
Going for organic bedding will not have your child’s crib run the risk of catching fire. This is because organic wool is flame-resistant by design.
Another benefit that organic bedding has is that it is breathable material. This helps create a safe and cozy sleeping environment for your child. There’s no need to worry about your child tossing and turning due to discomfort.
The same can be said about fragrances, or in this case, lack thereof. Organic beddings are made without strong fragrances or have lower chances of off-gassing. This is true towards organic beddings designed for babies and small children.
Naturally made latex also gives the benefit of having flame resistance. Now, you can sleep well knowing your child will have a nice, safe, and healthy good night’s rest.
Laundry Detergents
Cleaning your babies’ clothes requires a softer, more delicate, and safer method should you use a washing machine.
Remember that there is a chance of chemicals sticking to whatever you are cleaning. It is important to buy detergents that do not stick to clothes even after use. This is to keep the skin of your baby safe.
Many products designed for babies are intended to be organically made, and detergents are no exception.
Toy Disinfectant
You might not consider this, but this is just as important to consider. I mean, you will end up buying toys for your babies.
Whether decorating their rooms or keeping themselves occupied, buying them toys is part of it.
Like with everything, they will need to be cleaned every so often.
The natural way of doing this is to wash them. However, you might not have time to wash them every time. In this case, you can opt to use disinfectants.
Luckily, there is a natural way to do this. Organic disinfectants can be used since some products in the market are made with chemicals that will latch on to the toys, making them more dangerous for your child.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any organic ingredients I should avoid?
Most ingredients are safe and recommended for use. The exception would be if your child has a certain allergy towards particular natural ingredients.
How to avoid chemicals found in toys?
A big indicator of potential chemicals in toys is strong scents. If a toy is painted, make sure it is non-toxic and chemical-free.
Other chemicals to avoid?
As much as possible, pesticides. You can avoid them by looking at the product ingredients list.
Having healthy and environment-friendly products can go a long way not just for your child. but for the entire family as well.
Not only are you ensuring your child’s health, but the entire family also benefits from having fewer toxins around your house.
This will also leave a positive impact on the environment by using organic products. We hope we are able to help you make more conscious buying decisions when it comes to baby products.