Use our natural rubber latex pacifiers with your child? Have you ever noticed that the pacifier you just bought seems smaller than the ones you previously had? There is a fully natural explanation for this, so don’t be alarmed.

- Expanding natural rubber latex
Natural Rubber latex is formed from a milky-sticky fluid that is extracted from the Hevea tree and is entirely natural. The fluid is refined to the brownish-yellow rubber you are familiar with from your pacifiers a substance that is incredibly soft, elastic, and durable and closely resembles the mother’s soft nipple.
However, it also has a natural ageing process that is influenced by external factors including heat, air, saliva, and UV light. Since the material is elastic and the baby’s strong vacuum causes the nipple to alter shape and size, it may occasionally expand if it is not replaced in a timely manner.
Some kids won’t accept pacifiers that aren’t like the ones they’re used to. Therefore, if you notice that the pacifiers expands, change it right away to prevent the infant from growing accustomed to the larger nipple size.
Natural factors including UV light, air, saliva, and heat all contribute to the natural ageing process of natural rubber latex. Pacifiers made of silicone last longer than those made of latex, retain their shape better, do not deteriorate with time, and can tolerate high temperatures.
If Baby prefers a binky, anything that spends as much time in her mouth as her pacifier should generally be rather clean. For infants younger than 6 months, the Mayo Clinic advises sanitizing pacifiers before each use, and for children older than 6 months, it advises washing with hot, soapy water.
As a natural product, rubber latex is also impacted by moisture, high temperatures, and sunlight, which speeds up the material’s ageing process and causes changes in its physical characteristics like becoming brittle or sticky. It is suggested that you change them every 4-6 weeks. This is typical hygienic procedure for all dummy brands. Because BIBS dummies are constructed of natural rubber, if you use them longer than advised or repeatedly, you may notice a change in their form or an expansion of the cherry teat area.
- Take out the pacifiers
The main reason why old, worn-out pacifiers need to be thrown away is because as they age, they become porous and more prone to breaking. Second, there is a sanitary justification for routine pacifier replacement. Bacteria will lurk in pacifiers more as they become older.
Because the natural rubber latex nipples might occasionally stretch and for safety and hygienic reasons, we advise replacing pacifiers every 4-6 weeks. The pacifier needs to be changed any time the material changes in your body.
Replace natural rubber latex pacifiers if you notice any of the following symptoms:
Surface changes; changes in size; changes in shape; substance ruptures; becomes brittle or sticky
In the event that you observe any of these changes, replace the pacifier right away. As soon as your infant begins to erupt teeth, be sure to tug the nipple in all directions, give it a thorough inspection before use, and replace the pacifier at the first indication of weakness or damage.