The uterine fibroid or myoma is a benign tumor formed by the proliferation of the uterine muscle in the form of one or more nodules deforming it. These fibroids are associated with heavy periods (the leading cause between 40 and 50 years), pelvic pain and are the leading cause of hysterectomy (removal of the uterus). They are also involved in fertility and fertility disorders.

Symptoms of uterine fibroids
As with all diseases, the evolution of these symptoms is gradual and variable from one woman to another. Mainly according to the number of fibroids, the size, and the location.
Experts say that most patients come to the Fibroid Center with common symptoms of uterine fibroids, which include:
- Pain in the abdomen or lower back
- Intolerable menstrual pain
- Painful intercourse
- Enlarged uterus or abdomen
- Bleeding that is not related to menstruation
- Miscarriage or infertility
- Constipation
- Difficulty urinating or the urge to urinate frequently
- Heavy bleeding that can cause anemia
Numerous diagnostics, medicinal, and technical developments have happened over the past ten years. Clinical experience has made it possible to specify the exact spot where the problem exists with varying degrees of hindsight, with the help of a detailed diagnosis.
The diagnosis of advanced forms can be made by clinical examination (vaginal examination), but pelvic ultrasound coupled with doppler by the abdominal and vaginal route is the first-line imaging examination. Before treatment, an MRI is sometimes performed to visualize the position and volume of myomas better.
There are many treatment methods, depending on clinical signs and whether or not you want to keep the uterus for pregnancy. Only myomas responsible for clinical signs should be treated. The others, asymptomatic, can be monitored.
No medical treatment can make fibroids disappear. The drugs only treat the symptoms associated with myomas and are often the first-line treatment—progesterone IUD for bleeding, anti-inflammatory medications for pain. GN-RH analogs and antiprogesterone are more potent and block menstruation while reducing the size of myomas, but treatment is limited to 3 months. In the event of failure of the medical treatment, it is necessary to resort to an intervention by surgery or under imagery.
For women wishing to keep their uterus, myomectomy involves removing the myoma (s) without removing the uterus. Only large myomas responsible for pain or heaviness and myomas located in the uterine cavity, which may interfere with the development of the egg, will be operated on.
Health centers across the country have experienced and well-trained health experts in dealing with fibroids. Look for one on the internet; for instance, if you are from New York, search for fibroid specialist nyc, and you will get all the required information. Once the symptoms start showing up, it is advisable to visit the nearest center to get yourself tested and start the treatment as soon as possible.
Why shouldn’t you shy away from talking about it?
Awareness of menstruation is a societal and educational issue. Menstruation is a natural physiological phenomenon, but they are related to a health problem or a gynecological disease when they become painful or hemorrhagic.
Due to the taboo and myths related to menstruation and women’s intimate health and unawareness among the larger populations, there is always a danger of patients not getting proper treatment. The early symptoms of uterine fibroids are often ignored, and the disease turns into a life-threatening one.
The symptoms impact all areas of the lives of women who suffer from them and are often sources of isolation and exclusion. That’s why awareness regarding it becomes important and something that shouldn’t be ignored.
The proximity of the various healthcare experts on the subject matter has made it possible to create a multidisciplinary consultation focused on managing uterine myomas. The gynecologist is generally the first to be consulted because they have a transversal view of the different care methods. The sooner one is sensitized or diagnosed, the better they will be taken care of and will succeed in becoming actors in their gynecological health.