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People suffer from hair loss due to different causes. Hair loss may be caused by hormones, stress, poor diet, and many others. It usually appears on the crown of the head, backside, or above the ears. Be it mild or severe, hair loss is a condition that you can solve. If you’re suffering from baldness or thinning hair, hair replacement may be a good option due to the following reasons:

1. Non-Invasive, Safe and Painless
Hair transplant procedures are usually done on an outpatient basis, which will allow you to go home on the same day. Moreover, it can be performed wherever you are in the world as there are many clinics that offer these services, such as A&E SNY Surgery Center. Depending on the amount of hair you need or desire, you may undergo up to four sessions of at least four hours for each session.
Doctors use local anesthesia on your scalp to make it a painless procedure. However, the amount of anesthesia is regulated according to your needs and conditions, if any. With the anesthesia, your pain will be considerably reduced, but you need not worry about losing consciousness. You can also request to be sedated so that you can sleep for the duration of the procedure.
Aside from the local anesthesia, there are no other chemicals used in the hair transplant procedure, making it safe and natural.
2. Permanent Solution
Hair transplant has a permanent effect because the hair roots used are taken from the permanent zone (or donor site) of your scalp that is bald-resistant. This permanent zone may be found on the back or on the side of the head. Since your hair roots are permanent in nature, the new hair that will grow from them will also be permanent. So, you can apply these hair care tips to make your hair smooth and shiny the way it was before.
There will be no more receding hairlines and bald patches, just the occasional hair fall that is not that significant. If you would like to cover a large area, you may want to opt for follicular unit transplantation or FUT. If you’re going to cover a small area or you have an active lifestyle, you might want to use the follicular unit extraction or FUE method because it is less invasive and has a shorter recuperation time.
3. Hair Grows Naturally
Since the hair transplanted is natural hair from your bald-resistant donor sites, it will behave as natural hair does. This means that the roots will start sprouting new hair naturally for good. There is no need to supplement the transplant with other hair growth-enhancing methods.
However, the thickness of the new hair will depend on how firm or loose your skin is, how dense the follicles are in the transplanted area, how curly your hair is, and on the quality of your hair.
4. Short Recuperation Time
After the procedure, you may be put on pain and anti-inflammatory medications to keep the swelling down. You will also be given antibiotics to reduce the risk of post-surgical infections. But the good news for you, especially if you are employed, is that you can return to work and perform normal activities in as little as three days after the procedure.
5. Seamless and Natural-Looking
Immediately after the procedure, there will be visible small incisions on the operated area. However, these incisions naturally heal and will vanish on their own within a week. The hair will be transplanted in a systematic way that complements your natural hair growth and original hairline so that you will achieve a completely seamless and natural-looking look.
6. Quick Results
The use of natural hair makes way for new hair to grow. Those who had hair transplants notice new hair growth results within just 3 to 6 months after surgery. This is a very short period compared to a lifetime of having to live with a bald head.
7. Low-Maintenance and Manageable
The fact that the transplanted hair is your natural hair means that it requires very minimal maintenance. There are no special treatments required to maintain your hair’s density or thickness, except for the usual shampooing and conditioning.
Your hair plays a huge role in your sense of self-image and self-esteem. Looking good makes you feel good. You need not feel devastated and embarrassed about your thinning and balding head anymore. You can even stop worrying as there are ways to stop hair loss. Consider the hair-loss solutions available to you through hair replacement techniques in Syracuse, NY to reclaim the confidence you have lost and live life feeling great about yourself.