Most people understand that perfection is not necessarily a common standard in life. After all, it’s a little boring for something to have zero flaws. Although, ironically enough, perfection is often defined by something beautiful being a little ugly to help give it context and character. Think about a beautiful flower growing through the cracks of a ruined building – somehow the tragedy of the background provides even more beauty to nature.
For this reason, assessing your “perfect” anew can make it feel closer than ever. As we mature, we realize that “the perfect partner” is not necessarily someone we agree with on everything and never argue against, but who will work with us, love us, and grow with us over time.
The same could be said for a dream house. No house is likely going to be perfect in every single respect without any flaws or changes needed, but if you were to relax your standards and see “optimal” as a stand-in for perfection, actually enjoying a house perfect for your needs could be better than ever.
In this post, we’ll discuss why finding a dream house may be more possible than you assumed.
Building A Home From Scratch On Owned Land
Starting from nothing and building up is perhaps one of the most romantic things you could ever do, comparable to getting married even. To build a home from scratch tailored to your needs (and budget), perhaps creating many decades of memories in it and passing that down to your children is truly wonderful.
But is it that impossible to actually achieve? Sure, it may cost more than expected or take longer than planned as you match your budget to it. It might take years to find the perfect plot of land that allows development. But With a home builder to help you and to help chart out the plan, then this could be possible, and consultation on each individual element is less silly than it first sounded.
Thorough Renovations Over Years
Most people know that transforming an old house into something new takes time. But the truth is that you don’t need a “perfect home” now because you might not even know what a perfect home is to you yet. After all, if you’re a new homeowner, you may not even know your living tastes.
Better yet, you can experiment as you go and renovate here and there over time. You might start with updating a tired bathroom or breathing new life into the kitchen with new modern appliances and having fun with those installations.
As time goes on, maybe you’ll knock down a wall to open up the space and implement a massive skylight, or add an extension for that home office you’ve always wanted. Living through the changes can be chaotic but that’s life, and it also it gives you a chance to really get to know the place. Through this method of house development, you learn a household’s quirks, with each project bringing you a step closer to what you want. Take pictures and record your decisions, and you’ll keep a perfect diary of your decisions, which you can then use to benefit your approach going forward.
Being Flexible With Perfection
Now, if you chase perfection, you’ll probably never get it. So, if you can be flexible with what your “dream house” is, then maybe you’ll learn to love what you have in front of you more dearly.
What makes a house perfect is different for everyone, and being open to different ideas can make the whole process, be that renovation or climbing the housing ladder, much easier. Maybe the layout isn’t quite what you pictured, but the natural light makes the whole place glow and really grants your new child a beautiful room to grow up in. Or, perhaps your current house is a bit smaller than you wanted, but the neighborhood feels just right, safe, and welcoming at all hours of the day – something much more important than any four walls.
Sometimes the things you end up loving most are the ones you never even thought to put on your wishlist, so be sure to keep an open heart and let the experience of living in a house grow alongside you. Now, that doesn’t mean settling for less in every respect, but if you’re open to possibilities, life is much more fun.
Value Investments
Of course, looking at a house’s potential can change your whole perspective. A place that’s not quite right today may be wonderful as a place to install renewable power and renovate or extent over the years, thanks to its rural location unrestrained by other houses in the neighborhood.
Perhaps your local area has had massive investment placed into it and that means property prices are rising, or transport links have been vastly upgraded meaning your children could grow and easily find jobs in their late teen years. Considering a place with potential, even if it’s not perfect right away, can pay off in the long run.
For example, think of working out to achieve your dream figure. Well, if you invest in a good gym, a nice diet with meals you can cook, a good sleep schedule, your life is almost fixed with all the parameters that make “now” endearing, allowing that final payoff to be something you can wait for. The same could be said for a dream house, even if you just invest for the financial promise and then move elsewhere later on down the line.
The Location Can Be Perfect
As we mentioned above, houses can come or go. You can knock down or build them up again. But you can’t change the location of a place. Sometimes, opting for a smaller home with less amenities if it means you have access to the best possible job market, culture or beautiful waterfront can be more than acceptable, too.
With this advice, you’ll be certain to see how and why finding a dream house may be more possible than you first assumed.