If you have even a passing interest in alternative and natural remedies, you can’t have failed to notice all the hype surrounding CBD recently. CBD oil is an extract from the cannabis plant, but it doesn’t get you high, and it is claimed to help relieve a whole range of maladies from anxiety to arthritis. Research suggests it could even prove to be a useful tool in combatting dementia, MS and other neurological conditions.

Aside, perhaps, from anxiety, those particular complaints are unlikely to affect many new moms. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that CBD is proving beneficial for them, too. Let’s find out more.
Combatting “baby brain”
If you’ve never been there, it’s hard to describe “baby brain,” but it’s something with which anyone who’s had a little one will be only too familiar. The waves of intense nerves, the worry, the occasional absentmindedness and the difficulty sleeping are all components, and CBD has been shown to help achieve a better state of mindfulness and to keep mom in control.
Boosting immune support
The change in routine combined with the awesome responsibility of that little life combined with the huge shock that the body has just been through inevitably take their toll. That’s only natural, and CBD is not a miracle cure that will make it all go away. However, it can provide a completely natural way of maintaining better immune natural support, reducing the risk of mom developing illnesses at a time when she needs to be looking after her own health as well as passing on that natural immunity to the baby.
How and when to take CBD
CBD is available is a dozen or more forms, from oils and lotions to edibles to CBD vape juice in various flavors. You can even get CBD-infused food and drinks. While you are pregnant or breast feeding, most medical experts advise against use of CBD but this is due to the lack of research its possible effects as opposed to any tangible evidence of ill-effects.
The medical recommendation is, therefore, to refrain from its use until you are no longer breastfeeding. Having said that, many moms have used CBD both during and immediately after pregnancy – in fact, in some cultures, cannabinoids have been being used by new moms for thousands of years. If you decide to follow suit, it is extra important to choose CBD isolate instead of full spectrum CBD.
Full spectrum or isolate
CBD is just one of more than 1,000 cannabinoids that can be extracted from the cannabis plant. The other well-known cannabinoid is THC, which is the one that has the psychotropic effect and causes people to get high from marijuana. Full spectrum CBD contains a range of cannabinoids, although THC levels are so small, you will not notice any effect. As a rule, most consumers prefer full spectrum, as a phenomenon called the entourage effect effectively boosts the benefits.
However, if there is any chance of transference to your baby, it is strongly advised to instead choose CBD isolate and thereby eliminate means the risk of exposure to even trace amounts of THC.