It seems like the global-pandemic once again is determined to take a severe toll on human life. After the dramatic surge in coronavirus cases, it has become more important not to overlook even a single preventive measure that last year helped us to get triumph over the battle against coronavirus.

Your health is the most valuable asset that will once again help you to get over it. Especially if you live with elderly parents or grandparents, finding the best at-home workout alternative for them equally becomes essential.
We understand the significance of this precious thing. Therefore, if you are also on the hunt for the best workout options that can be done at home, you’ve got the right place. Below we have shortlisted some of the best home workout alternatives that suit your health goal.
- Jumping Jacks
The exercise is unarguably the most recommended full-body workout. You may call it even the best cardio exercise. Person of any age group can get the health benefit from this simple at-home exercise. Jumping helps you reduce body weight, builds strong bones, uplifts your mood, and improves heart health. Right after the first attempt, you may feel more active and flexible with this exercise.
Stand straight with your feet, relax and jump along with taking the arms upward in the air above your head and reverse. Try to do it faster and when you feel tired, have some rest.
- Squats
If you seek well-toned legs, try this workout. Squats strengthen your legs’ muscles, but if you have some knee problems, try to avoid them. Instead, you may practice this exercise in numerous variations.
Stand straight, then bent your knees while hips and back should stay straight. Hands must be pointing straight in the front-side of the chest and in a repeated movement go up and down while putting pressure on legs, feet and buttocks.
- Cross Crunches
Here comes another easy at-home exercise that strengthens your core and back muscles. This workout plan is also effective to strengthen the abdominal muscles while reducing belly fat. Don’t put acute pressure; initially practice slow movements. In addition to this, some easy systems made towards an efficient workout schedule can definitely boost your efforts.
Lie down flat on the floor on your back. Bend your knees and hands behind your head. Now try to touch your right elbow with the left knee and left elbow with the right knee. Go back into the rest position and repeat the exercise again.
- Plank
There’s no surprise that rock-hard abs are a dream of every young boy and girl. If you also aspire to have a well-toned figure, then go with this simple exercise that strengthens your abs and back.
Simply lie down on the floor on your stomach, now using your feet, palms, and elbow, lift up your body. Hold your body into the air for a few seconds and make sure the back and legs are in the straight position. Once you feel tired, get back to the normal position.
- Knee Pushups
Knee pushups are a great home workout alternative for those who can’t practice full-body pushups. The exercise puts minimal pressure on your body while ensuring you receive a pushup exercise advantage. Regularly do this exercise and observe strength in your arms and back.
Again, get into the plank position, bend your knees and lift your body upwards and downwards using the hands and elbows. Change the position and focus on your back, arms, and chest muscles. Rest and start again.
- Bicycle Crunch
This exercise is undoubtedly the most pleasant way to get a well-toned body within a few weeks. Bicycle crunch targets your lower abs, abdominal and back muscles and ensures you receive a full-body workout without doing anything extra.
Simply lie down straight on your back, bending your knees and hands straight, and only lift your legs like you are moving a bicycle. The exercise is so effective that within a few days, you may observe changes in your belly.
The Bottom Line
Stay consistent with these at-home exercises if you desire instant results. Early morning is the best time to practice these exercises. Also, no workout equipment is needed to carry out the movements. You only require an open space where you can move your body effectively.