When you lose a job or you’re having trouble looking for work, your bills can be stacking up. Your bills will not be put on hold while you look for work. In the meantime, you will need to know where to find help paying bills. There are different government programs that will help you pay your bills while you’re looking for work. Since you’re not working or you have a very low income, you may not have been paying off your credit cards and your bills may have late fees. You can get help with a debt relief program to help you get caught up. If you lost your job due to COVID, then you can check out a COVID rent assistance program. You can also see if you can qualify for welfare.

Government Assistance Programs
Depending on the nature of your debt, you might find some useful government assistance programs. The government mortgage and foreclosure assistance program will help you qualify for grants and free counseling so your home will not end up in foreclosure.
There are also low-income assistance programs such as LIHEAP energy program to help with your energy bill and free health care so you don’t have to pay for insurance. Telephone and receiving financial assistance from your utility company will help you save money and pay for installation costs if you have a home telephone.
Keep in mind though; there are no government programs to help you pay off consumer debt such as credit cards and the like. You’ll need to turn to the private sector for that.
Debt Relief
If you’re struggling to pay off credit card debt or late fees from your bills, you check out https://www.bills.com. There you will find information on every popular form of debt relief. These include debt consolidation, debt management, debt counseling, debt management, debt settlement / negotiation and filing for bankruptcy protection from your creditors.
Each of these strategies has different advantages and disadvantages, depending upon your circumstances. Some require you to still have a good credit score to work best, others will only work f your situation is suitably dire. Either way, it’s worth your while to investigate the options to see which might serve you best.
COVID Rent Assistance Program
Since it is passed the time where you will not be evicted from your apartment, your landlord as the right to evict you from your apartment for not paying your rent payments. To prevent that from happening you can check out a COVID rent assistance program to help you pay for your rent. You should be able to qualify for a government program to talk to you about what your next steps are and to give you money to pay your rent.
Qualifying for Welfare
If your household has an income below poverty, then you can qualify for welfare. Once you qualify for welfare, they will give you grants and financial assistance. Food assistance is also in this category, and they can give you money for food. It looks like a debit or credit card, but they put a certain amount of money a month on the card. The amount of money you receive depends on what your household income is. Another welfare program is TANF, which is temporary assistance for needy families. They focus on job training and you can qualify for this program if you have small children.
It can be emotionally draining watching your late fees pile up and receive call after call from creditors trying to collect payment. It’s especially hard when you don’t have any friends or family close by that can help you out. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from the government. An important thing to remember is that this is temporary to help you get back on your feet and get you all caught up. Once you get a good paying job, the stress will be gone and you can get back to normal.