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There are many factors that determine when a child is ready to write an essay. If you order essay writing online, you can help with this development.
Many parents wonder when their kids will be able to compose a paragraph. They wonder when they will be developed enough to compose their thoughts with style and structure. Parents are eager to know when their children will be able to organize their thoughts logically into paragraphs and essays.

It is essential, however, to understand that before children can write an essay, they need to develop their logical thinking capacity. This happens between the ages of 10 and 11. Not only that, many children need about a year or two before they can organize their thoughts into writing. It is possible thanks to critical thinking and the ability to make a plan.
Creating Sentences
Learning how to write an essay is a process. A child needs to understand the basic rudiments of the English language before an essay writing. As a result, children by the age of 12 should prioritize developing a coherent sentence structure. When developing this skill, they will likely be exposed to errors that occur in forming sentences.
Interestingly, there are fun activities, like games that can help students compose meaningful sentences. Some games involve putting sentence pieces together like a puzzle.
Children’s Development Matters
Essay writing involves a logical discussion of one’s view. To be able to have such a logical discussion, the frontal lobes need to be matured and developed for abstract thinking. This process starts happening around the age of 14.
With this in mind, some children could be ready to start writing an essay at the age of 14 or 15. By this age, they would have understood the fundamentals of English Language and basic rules guiding grammar, punctuation, concord, etc.
Other children might not be ready till the age of 16 or 17. The idea is that children should have mastered the process of grasping abstract concepts. Essay writing is relatively complex, and a child needs to brainstorm and come up with an outline. After the outline, they should be able to edit their rough draft while obeying simple grammar rules.
While I was in school, I will give anything to have someone do my assignment. This was not because I was lazy. Instead, I love to understand the concept from various angles. These days, however, there are many online college homework help services. They offer various services from writing an essay to helping students with math homework. As a result, parents can order essay writing samples online and get discount code SpeedyPaper. This will provide a structure of what a standard essay looks like. This is particularly helpful if you want your kids to start writing an essay at an early age.
While there are many parents out there that would love to see their kids start writing early, children develop at a different rate. With this in mind, be patient with children that do not catch up quickly. The speed of the academic development of some kids is rapid, while others can be a bit slow. This is why there is an online college homework help to assist with difficult, challenging assignments. But before choosing a reliable academic helper, read some homework sites Reddit reviews.
Concluding Remarks
One of the aims of education is to seek how to train the mind. In time as their brain develops, they not only learn what to think but how to think. With this in mind, parents need to allow their children to graduate from learning facts to learning how to think. When this happens, knowing how to write an essay will not be too difficult for them.