This is a sponsored guest post.
Many of us mothers have woken of a morning and wondered why we even went to bed. If you’re lucky, it’s the occasional virus or sickness that keeps your child up at night. However, if you have young babies, or just children that Do. Not. Sleep. the physical toll of parenthood is real. While we are big believers in that mantra that ‘this too shall pass,’ there are a few ways to get yourself through the demanding stages of always being on the clock.

Plan Ahead
Planning is often the last thing on your mind when you’re living day-to-day getting through the things mothers have to contend with. However, if you’re also responsible for putting a meal on a table, packing kids lunches, running errands and providing a semi-clean living environment, time management is key. At the heart of good time-management is organisation and preparation. In real terms this equals lists and schedules. Don’t just write a reminder to do a meal plan – actually schedule in a time when the task will be achieved. Many people concurrently online shop as they are meal plan so they’ll have the right groceries on hand to make the recipes they’ve planned. This also equates to healthier and more budget-friendly meals. Planning ahead also extends to ‘me time.’ If daycare is not possible in your situation, most areas will offer casual crèche at the local council run gym. I know many mums who work out or simply use some kid-free time to relax in the spa or sauna.
It’s almost clichéd, but self-care is vital for today’s mothers. Self-care need not be an all-day decadent spa experience (although if someone else is paying I’m in). What is it that you do (or did) that takes you to a calm or happy place? For many it is unscheduled time to simply ‘be.’ And by be, I mean ‘be-only-responsible-for-oneself,’ if only for a moment. This could be cruising around the shops solo, catching up with pals or devoting time to your favourite pre-kids activity or hobby. Time out can balance your time ‘in’ as a parent.
Self-care can also be more transformational, especially if the signs of no sleep and beginning to show. While aging is completely natural and show be embraced more (ahem mainstream media), looking your best can help you to get through the demands of having a busy and full family life. So please eat those veggies and lean proteins (alongside your chocolate). Also, for many, self-care can be simply ensuring that you shower and get some semi-decent clothes on each day. However, it can also be slightly more aesthetically minded, like working up the courage to get some liposuction. or booking in some personal training. Focusing on your presentation isn’t about looking good for others. It’s about caring for yourself and being confident that despite the long nights and early mornings, that you are capable, worthy and a damn super-woman for raising and loving your little ones so amazingly. You got this!