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Modafinil is hailed as the ultimate productivity enhancer and the “world’s first safe smart drug” by popular publications such as The Guardian or Vice.
The 2011 movie “Limitless” saw the rise of the nootropics trend, with Modafinil being regarded as the closest thing to NZT-48, the pill that grants one “limitless” brain power.

Obviously, that’s far from the case. We live in the real world, and such abilities belong in the realm of science fiction.
Still, while Modafiniln brand name modalert, won’t grant you superpowers, it does provide noticeable enhancements in key parts of human cognition. (Read more about it on ModafinilMan)
Benefits of Modafinil
Stimulation. Modafinil is slightly more stimulating than caffeine and much less than traditional stimulants such as Adderall. The user feels like doing physical activities such as exercising, although the feeling is encouraged rather than forced.
Wakefulness. One of the main benefits is its ability to keep one wide awake for extended periods of time and keep mental performance to a maximum, even if one has gotten minimal amounts of sleep.
Focus enhancement. Modafinil is famous for its “tunnel-like” effect on focus, meaning that the user feels inclined to concentrate on the task at hand and be less distractible.
Motivation enhancement. This effect presents itself as an willingness to get started on tasks and keep on going until they are finished. It fuels willpower and increases the user’s confidence when it comes to facing the unknown.
Memory enhancement. Both long-term and short-term memory are positively affected. Memories are more vivid, which translates in an easiness to recall past happenings and increased verbal fluency. Working memory, which is defined by
Here are a few myths about Modafinil that we’re going to debunk:
#1 Modafinil makes you love work
Vice has written an article stating that Modafinil makes you love work and “hate” socializing.
There are lots of user reports that confirm this aspect of Modafinil. Personally, I feel that the improved focus and working memory make it easier to finish tasks. Also, Modafinil makes you feel motivated and creates a sensation similar to a fight-or-flight response. The sense of motivation coupled with the sense of purpose may trick your brain into “loving work”, as Vice put it. The stimulation and slight anxiety that it produces can make one feel impatient and irritable, which may explain the antisocial behavior experienced by some users.
#2 Modafinil is safe
Decades of use have proven a few facts that support this myth:
Modafinil isn’t addictive.
The crash is almost non-existent.
It affects neurotransmitters in a gentle way, hence its subtle effects (when compared to amphetamines).
Still, Modafinil makes it hard to go to sleep at night, and poor quality of sleep is bad for your health. Also, Modafinil isn’t fully understood. While it does provide noticeable increases in cognition in the short-term, using it chronically may lead one to get used to Modafinil to function normally. The abuse potential is low, but it is still there.
#3 Modafinil is like a stronger cup of coffee
Some people make this analogy and downplay its effects. For some, that may be the case, but from a scientific point of view, that’s far from it. Modafinil affects the brain in a much more diverse way than caffeine. It affects dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, orexin, histamine, glutamate and GABA, each one in a gentle way.
Should you take Modafinil?
Provigil can be expensive, which is why many people prefer other brands such as Modalert.
Modafinil won’t create wonders, and it’s up to you to seize the day and achieve your goals, if that’s why you’re taking it. Modafinil is a tool that helps you better deal with life’s challenges, or that extra fuel needed to recharge your willpower.
If all you’re looking for is a buzz that’s similar to amphetamines, then no.. you shouldn’t take Modafinil. Its reputation as being “the least fun drug” means that you would be better off having a beer down the pub with your friends.