Car accidents are not easy to deal with. You may have to deal with pain from your injuries, loss of wages, damages to your vehicles, and other expenses. As if this is not enough, you will also have to deal with insurance companies and adjusters, especially if you have filed a personal injury claim.
Apart from the police, insurance companies will also be one of the first parties to get in touch with you after the accidents. Adjusters are always looking for ways to settle claims quickly, and if you do not have a lawyer, you might not know what to do when dealing with an insurance company post-accident. Read on for things that you should know about handling insurance companies after an accident.
They Do Not Have Your Best Interest at Heart
Insurance adjusters are legally licensed individuals who act on behalf of insurance companies. Their main job is to protect the interest of the insurance companies they represent and not the victim’s interest.
They may seem nice and friendly but kindly note that they are trained negotiators who will try to get you to accept part of the blame or take the first settlement offer, which is always low. Adjusters will always want to minimize the amount of money the insurer should pay out and look for mistakes that the victim might make.
They Will Use Everything that You Say or Do Against You
Insurance companies will want you to agree to their version of the car accident. It is best to avoid talking to insurance companies and adjusters after an accident. A simple “sorry” may mean that you admit fault and they will use it to deny your claim.
Do not answer their questions, give them a statement, or sign any document that they give you. Adjusters and investigators will also monitor your movements, social life, and social media posts to try to get anything that they can use against you.
They Are Not Obligated to Treat You Fairly or Fast
When filing a claim against the at-fault insurance company, do not expect them to handle your claim fast or fairly. Some insurance companies can ignore you, especially if you refuse to take the first offer to delay your claim. Here is where your car accident attorney comes in. An experienced Phoenix car accident attorney, or a local alternative, will know how to handle insurance companies and help you get the best settlement as you concentrate on your recovery.
You Can Choose a Body Shop You Prefer
Insurance companies may want to force you to take your vehicle for repair in a body shop of their choosing. This is not the law. You are free to bring your vehicle to your regular auto repair shop. To minimize expenses, insurance companies can liaise with their preferred body shop and cut corners. You may end up with the cheap bodywork or wrong spare parts that will cost you. If your vehicle is totaled, you also have a right to appeal their offer if it is lower than your vehicle’s value.
They May Avoid Paying Your Medical Bills
Injuries sustained in car accident accidents can be costly, especially if they are severe. As a way of minimizing expenses, the insurance company may try to claim that your injuries are not related to the accident and that you are committing fraud.
This is why you must seek medical attention immediately after an accident and keep copies of all your medical records.
Talk to a Lawyer Before Communicating with an Insurance Company or AdjusterInsurance companies have a lot of tricks to try to minimize expenses, extort, and scare accident victims. You do not have to face them alone, hire an attorney to handle them and negotiate on your behalf.