There are several situations in our lives that can be an immediate cause for concern. Breaking or chipping a tooth is one of those examples, a scenario that can be both painful and frightening. However, don’t freak out and try your best to stay calm. Rest assured there are immediate actions that you can take to minimize the damage.

No matter the extent of the damage received, you’ll always want to check in with your emergency dentist. This dentist will be vital to guiding along your recovery. Even if you feel as if the damage incurred was minor enough, don’t discount the power of a second opinion. In most circumstances, the dentist will comprehensively review your mouth. The results will allow you to see the extent of the damage and what treatments will be required.
Here is more information on what you should do immediately after breaking a tooth:
In the immediate aftermath of breaking your tooth, you will begin to feel a plethora of sensations. The adrenaline that is being pumped out will help keep you out of harm’s way for now. In the coming minutes, however, you will then begin to experience pain to some extent. The best way to start the healing process is to rinse your mouth out.
Grab the nearest bottle of water and give your mouth a thorough rinsing. This will serve to clear away any dirt or grime that may have resulted from the impact. Moreover, there could still be part of your tooth inside that hasn’t completely been detached. Rinsing with water is critical so that subsequent steps can be much more friendly on the mouth.
In most scenarios involving broken teeth, you will probably see a certain amount of blood from the mouth. This is entirely common, as the impact will have damaged the mouth area in a number of ways. Should your broken tooth lead to bleeding, it is vital to take the appropriate steps as quickly as possible.
Grab some gauze or a clean towel and place it over the area that had the impact. This will help stop the bleeding from intensifying seriously. One important rule is to avoid rubbing on the area forcefully. Vigorous rubbing here can lead to an excess amount of blood, which can also damage the gums.
Cold Compress
Once you have immediately treated the broken tooth, the healing process will be well underway. Now would be an adequate time to think about certain methods that could aid in recovery. A cold compress in some form is one of the best treatments to use. The cold can slow down blood flow, vital to ensuring that bleeding does not reoccur.
You have a couple of choices here as well, ranging from an actual compress to an ice pack. Whatever your choice is, be sure to apply it to your mouth for an adequate amount of time. Use the compress throughout the day, so that you can minimize inflammation and numb the area accordingly.
Medicinal Treatments
Sometimes, a broken tooth may not be too much of an immediate cause of concern. With a few simple aids, you’ll be able to sustain a good amount of oral health. At other more pressing times, you will have to resort to some over-the-counter medicinal treatments to heal. Thankfully, it won’t be too much of a hassle to get.
For most situations involving a broken tooth, anti-inflammatory treatments will be key. Most oral health care professionals will recommend taking Tylenol or aspirin for optimal effect. Use this throughout the day to reduce the chances of pain from building up again. Then, you will be on your way.
Post-Dentist Treatments
Should your situation be worrisome to your dentist, you may have to undergo further treatment. These treatments can range in terms of their effectiveness, but all of them will help you heal better. For example, a broken tooth may lead to a dental filling or root canal being required at some point. Whatever the situation is, you will soon be back to a normal state!