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When Iron Man snapped his fingers at the showdown in Endgame, it was not just Thanos and his men that turned to dust. It marked the end of an era, leaving half of the planet teary eyed at the thought of never again seeing Tony Stark coming up with another cutting edge technological invention or donning that suit. However, once Spiderman: Far From Home hit the theatres, we knew that the legacy that started in 2008 was far from being over. Peter Parker was here to save the day! Every Marvel Cinematic Universe’s fan pinned their last smidgen of hope down to the friendly neighbourhood Spiderman, and hoped for him to put on EDITH and save the world from malevolent forces like Mysterio. But little did they (including me) know that MCU has different plans. It came as something of a shock to the entire fandom when rumours were afloat, about one of the most loved Marvel Comics characters, that is, Spiderman, leaving the Universe.

The Reason?
Marvel’s executive producer, Kevin Feige has allegedly pulled out of producing any more Spiderman films due to a dispute between Sony and Disney. There seems to be a certain feud regarding sharing the revenue among these two companies. Credible sources report that the two companies failed to reach an amicable negotiation regarding this revenue, which nudged the executive producer to give up on Spiderman as a part of MCU entirely. However, this sudden and shocking decision has several repercussions for the fate of MCU, if you had still not given that thought some time.
What Does This Decision Mean For MCU and Peter Parker?
We all know the kind of relationship that Peter Parker shared with Tony Stark. He was not just another Avenger, but a major part of Mr Stark’s life. Tony Stark would probably not even had entertained the thought of building a time machine, mess up with every law of Physics and give up his life, if not for Peter who was a victim of the ‘blip’. Therefore, with Spiderman now exiting MCU, this ‘father-son’ relationship hangs by a thread. This means that there shall be no more “We won, Mr Stark” references and no more Iron Spider suit nostalgia (or that is what it looks like).
Stark left his EDITH to the “next Iron Man” as observed in Far From Home, which suggested the fact that it was this teenage Avenger who would probably be taking up the pivotal position in the MCU. Now with Marvel, Sony and Disney splitting up and going their separate ways, it is safe and sad to acknowledge the fact that the mantle of the “next Iron Man” would probably move over to some other character. If the on-screen and off-screen demise of some of the most loved Avengers like Iron Man, Black Widow and Captain America was not enough, this horrifying news is enough to wound the already wounded souls of the fans. What more? It also leaves us hanging about what turn Peter Parker’s fate would take after Mysterio frames him and reveals his identity as Spiderman. Sony might make it a point to bring the Spiderman franchise to a denouement. But ask yourself, will it be the same without the MCU brand? I think not! If you find yourself too scarred by the revelations of this article, perhaps see what’s new in the country world and distract your attention for a while.
Does It Mean That Tom Holland And Spiderman Call It Quits?
Probably not, but then one can never be sure. Tom Holland has two more standalone Spiderman films on his contract with Sony, and Jon Watts, the director of Homecoming and Far From Home, is also supposedly reprising his role as the director. Therefore, if it is any consolation, Tom Holland will still be your friendly neighbourhood for at least two more movies, post which nothing can be assured. From Tobey Maguire to Tom Holland, this century has now seen three supremely talented actors fill in the shoes of Spiderman. While each of them had their own ways of contributing to the character, and left no stone unturned to bring something fresh to the table with every movie, Tom Holland has gone on to become a favourite. It was quite challenging to fill in the shoes of Tobey Maguire, but Tom Holland did complete justice to it. However, now that we can no longer put a pin on the thought of Holland leaving the franchise after two more movies, there is little hope of some other character doing justice to the role anymore.
In A Nutshell:
Spiderman, one of the most beloved MCU characters is about to make an exit, jerking people out their happy illusions. It is a terrible thought, but the reality is often rosy. “Part of the journey is its end.” Therefore, we must probably leave the good parts behind and move ahead with new hopes, making way for a new Spiderman and a set of new movies. We never know how things shall fare in the future, but all we could do is keep the faith going.