Are you planning to have breast augmentation soon? Without a doubt, you’re looking forward to the changes ahead! Of course, you’ll have to go through the recovery process before you can go out and flaunt your new curves. In fact, many patients who have a Beverly Hills breast augmentation are back to their normal routine within a week. However, keep in mind that you will experience some pain and discomfort. Also, you’ll move slowly for a few days. So it’s critical that you focus on healing, following the procedure.

Although your inability to do activities you, typically, take for granted will be inconvenient, it’s critical to follow your cosmetic surgeon’s pre- and post-operative instructions. This will minimize issues and ensure you will heal properly.
Fortunately, there are easy things that can be done to prepare for the procedure as well as your home and family. You can even choose your wardrobe to get ready for a comfortable recuperation.
Get Your Recovery Team Ready
You will need at least one trustworthy adult to assist you on the day of surgery and for the first 24 hours afterward. This person will be responsible for transporting you, assisting you in moving, and keeping a close check on you the first two days, while the anesthetic wears off. Typically, this is a significant other or relative. However, you can also enlist the help of a close friend or hire a nurse. Hiring a nurse would be beneficial, if no one else is available, or you live alone and want to keep the treatment completely private.
Prepare for Childcare
If you have children, full-time childcare will be required for a couple of days, and you will require additional assistance for a few weeks after. This will help prevent you from applying pressure to the incisions. After all, you will not be able to lift anything heavier than roughly 10 pounds. Explain to your small children that you will not be able to lift them. However, you will be able to offer them soft cuddles on the couch. A trusted adult should be in charge of getting your children bathed, fed, and ready for school.
Prepare for Pet Care
Your four-legged furry relatives will also need to be cared for during recovery. To preserve your results, you shouldn’t walk your dog or scoop the litter box. Pet care is a terrific opportunity for your children to contribute and feel included in your breast augmentation recuperation. You can also have a trusted adult to help care for your pet as well.
Prepare a Comfortable Area in Your Home for Recovery
You’ll require a comfy resting area that:
– Is simple to enter and exit without stretching or overworking your upper arms
– Won’t have you worrying about turning over onto your breast implants
– Permits you to freely move your legs
For several weeks, after breast augmentation, you must lie on your back and rest on your slightly lifted shoulders and head. This relieves edema while also preventing pressure on your implants and stretching your incisions.
You can use a bed as a lounger with a variety of cushions positioned, to support the upper parts of your body, including your head and shoulder. A recliner can also be used with a bar that has a lever that can move up and down. Prior to surgery, be sure to have a table that can be easily accessed. You’ll need lots of space for books and other items.
Prepare Meals in Advance
After surgery, eating a well-balanced diet will assist you in recovering quicker and make you feel much better. Avoid ordering takeout food since driving is absolutely prohibited, when taking prescription pain relievers. Prepare foods that are reheatable healthful dishes. Assign food preparation to a family member as an alternative. Shop for ingredients beforehand to make it easier on the person that will be preparing foods for you. This will also ensure you receive the meals you most enjoy.