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Hard water is not something that comes out of your tap as a solid sheet. You can’t really see the difference between hard and soft water. But that doesn’t mean it’s not real!
In fact, water is classified as soft or hard solely on the number of minerals that are contained within it.
Hard Water
Hard water has a high level of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. These minerals are picked up when the water travels through specific rock; such as limestone and chalk. If you live in an area that has plenty of this type of rock you’re likely to have hard water.
You can usually tell if your water is hard as it won’t lather well and you’ll find white deposits on your water-based appliances; such as inside your kettle.
Hard water can help you to get your recommended daily amount of calcium and magnesium. However, the deposits it leaves on your appliances will reduce their efficiency, effectiveness, and lifespan.
That’s a good reason to look at an under sink water filter or even a whole house system.
Soft Water
In contrast, soft water does not have as many minerals or ions in it. In particular, it has low levels of calcium and magnesium. This is a result of the water passing through and over hard rock, these are rocks that are not porous and have very little calcium in them.
Again your water type should be fairly obvious from the area you live in although it will depend on how far away your water is collected and treated.
Soft water is great at creating lather and it doesn’t leave a scum line.
It is worth noting that soft water is generally considered to be better for your skin as it doesn’t leave a film on your skin. It is also better for your hair as high mineral content can dull your hair.
Perhaps more important is the fact that soft water is better for your kidneys than hard water. The minerals in hard water can collect in your kidneys causing kidney stones or urinary tract stones.
Choosing The Right Water
It is important to consider your options regarding which type of water you want in your home. It is possible to soften hard water though the use of filters fitted to the water supply in your house. Some people are concerned that water softening filters increase the amount of sodium in your diet. If this is a concern then you can use an additional filter to remove the sodium.
While the lather test is a fairly clear indicator of whether you have hard or soft water it is always a good idea to have your water tested. This will not just tell you whether you have hard or soft water; it will also highlight any other compounds or bacteria which are in your water.
The water may go through a treatment process but that doesn’t mean it’s as clean and safe as you think it is.