Breast augmentation is something that is trending worldwide at the moment, and a lot of people are choosing to get breast surgery for different reasons. If you are considering getting any kind of breast enhancement surgery, you could get breast enhancement surgery in New Orleans at Sadeghi Center for Plastic Surgery for the best results.
When you are planning on getting breast enhancements, it is important to know what kind of procedure you want to be performed on you. So, what is the difference between breast augmentation and breast implants? What is the maximum size of breast implants?
One thing that you need to know when you are considering getting any breast enhancements, not all implants are created equally. The only difference that you may or may not notice between the two is that breast augmentation is the procedure that is necessary for your breast enhancements. On the other hand, implants are the mechanisms used. They both rely on each other to deliver results.
What is the best method for breast augmentation?
- Periareolar Surgery
When you are planning on doing this surgery, your surgeon would make an incision around the outer edge of your areola. This would then cause a scar that is located within this natural transition in pigmentation. They will offer you this surgery if they also happen to be performing a mild to moderate breast lift at the same time.
- Transumbilical Approach
This incision would happen just above the belly button and each breast implant would then be inserted through this incision, then brought up to the breast. If you choose this approach, then you are only going to have a single scar with no scarring on the breast itself.
- Inframammary Surgery
This type of surgery involves a short incision that is made in the crease underneath the breast. That incision is called the inframammary fold. This would then leave a thin, 1 to 2 inch scar that would be easily concealed within the crease.
- Transaxillary Approach
This approach would then happen within the armpit and where your surgeon would place the breast implant using a specialized camera and they are going to be using a specialized instrument so that they could ensure that it is in its optimal placement. It will leave a small scar around the armpit area and no scar on the breast itself.
What are your breast implant choices?
- Filling type
When you are choosing your filling, neither is best. The only differences there are actually in cost, feel, and the incision requirements that you are going to have to consider when you are going through your breast enhancement surgery.
- Saline
- Silicone Gel
- Highly Cohesive Silicone “Gummy Bear” Implants
- Shape
- Round implants – They usually achieve a fuller upper pole, also known as the top portion of your breast. There are typically the Saline and Silicone Gel implants.
- Shaped Implants – Shaped implants usually make your breast profile look more gently sloping. The implants that are usually shaped are the “gummy bear” implants.
- Profile
In this part, your cosmetic surgeon is there to help you choose the profile that is based on your portions before the surgery and all of your goals on what you want it to look like. If you are petite, you are going to need a higher profile so that you would be able to achieve your desired size increase to make sure that your implants are not too wide at the base.
- Size
As a patient, you have the power to choose what sizes you want your implants to have. You should choose breast implants from a range of size that is about 150 cc to 800 ccs and it could even go farther depending on where you go. Different people would then require different sizes if you want to achieve the best possible symmetry. It would depend on your current breast size, personal goals, and your cosmetic surgeon’s recommendations.
Is breast augmentation a major surgery?
Yes, breast augmentation is a common procedure, but it’s still a major surgery that carries potential risks and complications. To minimize these risks and ensure the best possible outcome, it’s important to choose a top-notch, board-certified surgeon who specializes in plastic surgery in San Antonio, or elsewhere. As for insurance, it depends on the reason why you are having insurance in the first place. They will not cover breast enlargement surgery, but that may or may not cover the cost of implants for women who have, or had, mastectomies because of breast cancer.
What is the most common size breast implant?
As of the moment, the most popular and common breast implant size would have to be between 350 to 400 cc. This is just the right size because this would then look like a small to a large C cup. Overall, the most popular sizes that women choose are between 350 to 500 cc.