The life coaching is part of the long history of science and of human relations and is today a real demand from individuals eager to take their well-being in hand.

Life coaching is a method based on your word taken into account by an active, professional and caring listening, whose main objective is to provide you with dynamic keys of change that will allow you to modify your life and towards well-being.
The aim of life coaching is to understand how you work and to help you get out of the mostly unconscious “schemas” in which we are all, more or less, anchored. The purpose of a Life Coach is to make you understand what hinders you to implement new behavior,
The aim of life coaching or personal coaching is to help a person discover their position in the world, whether for business or for personal reasons, this accompaniment is based on various disciplines such as psychology, sociology, etc. And they use tools or methods that come from it and that have been proven. Through this coaching process, the coachee deepens his knowledge and improves his performance.
Online life coaching is an interactive process that helps individuals and work teams close specific gaps in performance and effectiveness. Coaches work with executives in the areas relevant to their performance and for the organization, including planning, skills development, attitude, life plan, new projects, quality of life, leadership, decision making, goal achievement, and labor relations. As a result of coaching, those who receive it set clear goals and challenges to be achieved in the short, medium and long term; they act with greater determination, make better decisions, have follow-up; They develop awareness and work on their strengths and areas of opportunity. It is an excellent tool for conflict resolution, performance improvement, decision making and leadership development.
Online coaching: what are the advantages?
The interaction in video conversation facilitates the lifting of “secrets”, the verbalization of more intimate information. The person, once the alliance is installed, feels safe: The coach is both very far in the virtual, and yet, there, next door, in the relationship of trust. Your free will is amplified: you can interrupt the conversation at any time and easily. However, the limit will be your responsibility in advancing towards your goal.
The coach has indeed an obligation of means but not on results. You will be guided by the coach but you alone will be at the helm of your coaching. The alliance and the respect of the framework of the relationship exist particularly in the coachings in the video. It strengthens the work and is helpful in allowing you to grow. The screen acts as a magnifying glass and the body language is very obvious to see. The messages he passes are very significant of the real motivations.
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