Today, the fight against obesity is simpler than ever. Modern medicine provides a range of solutions that make it much easier and less unpleasant to lose weight.
- Weight loss struggles – why can’t you lose weight?
- What is a gastric balloon and who should try it out?
- How to prepare for the gastric balloon?
What types of treatments can help with the weight loss process? What is worth opting for? Let’s try to find out more about this topic.

Weight loss struggles – why can’t you lose weight?
The fight against obesity can be very demotivating. Some people, despite numerous attempts to change their lifestyle, keep returning to old, harmful habits. There can be many reasons for a weight loss problem. Sometimes, the fault actually lies with the person not sticking to dietary requirements or poorly chosen exercises. Sometimes the reason for weight retention is, surprisingly, an overly restrictive diet or starvation. Sometimes, problems with losing excessive weight are due to illnesses of various kinds, especially those of which the patient is unaware. If, despite a healthy, well-chosen diet and physical activity, the weight does not change, it is worth consulting a doctor.
What is a gastric balloon and who should try it out?
A gastric balloon is a modern solution that could prove to be a breakthrough in weight loss. It is a safe and non-invasive method that is designed for obese people with a BMI of over 30. The balloon is also a good solution for those who, for a variety of reasons – whether for health reasons or because of their own beliefs and fears – do not want to opt for more complicated and invasive procedures. However, it should be remembered that the gastric balloon procedure requires the patient to work independently afterwards. Without diet, physical activity and a change to a healthy lifestyle, results will not be possible. The entire procedure consists of placing a silicone balloon in the stomach via an endoscopic method, i.e. through the mouth. This is partially filled with saline. Due to the balloon being in the stomach, there is not as much space in the stomach as before. This makes the patient feel the feeling of fullness much quicker when eating. As a result, he or she eats smaller amounts of food without feeling the hunger that can be a reason for breaking the diet when following it.
The biggest advantages of gastric balloon are:
- the gastric balloon surgery is a non-invasive and safe method,
- the procedure is fully reversible and the balloon is removed after a certain period of time,
- there is no need for incisions in the skin and no physical traces, such as scars, remain after the entire procedure.
At the same time, it is important to remember that there are also some dangers associated with the procedure. There is a risk of malaise, vomiting and nausea. Rupture of a gastric balloon, gastric perforation or ulceration is very rare.
How to prepare for the gastric balloon?
Above all, you should follow the instructions of the specialists. The clinic should provide a prior consultation with a specialist who will order the necessary tests. These usually include a blood count, gastroscopy, ECG and others. Even before the procedure, it is a good idea to ensure proper motivation. It is important to remember that a gastric balloon is not a solution to obesity problems, but only a help. It is essential to have a well-planned diet and exercise that will actually make a difference to your weight after the procedure.
If you are looking for a gastric balloon near me, be sure that the hospital has a group of highly qualified specialists who meet the highest standards of care. With their help, you can start to fight obesity and feel good in your own body again.