The term ‘obesity’ refers to a condition where a person is overweight and the amount of body fat has an effect on his health. A person is considered obese if their body weight is 20 per cent more than the ideal for their height; that is, if they have a BMI of 30 and above, then they are considered obese. A person with a BMI between 25.5 and 29.5 is considered overweight.
A person may be obese due to one or a combination of some of these factors: overeating, leading a sedentary lifestyle, lack of sleep, metabolism problems, and medication.
Health Risks
Obesity is known to cause several health risks in the long term. It is linked to chronic illnesses, and can be more harmful than other health risks like smoking or drinking. Obese people are more likely to have problems related to the bones, particularly knee joint osteoarthritis in women. It can also lead to chronic back pain, as carrying greater body weight puts a greater strain on the backbone and muscles of the individual.
Obese people have high levels of fat, and this hinders the blood circulation within the body. A person who is obese has greater chances of developing hypertension or high BP, which makes the heart weaker. This can increase the risk of them suffering from heart attacks or strokes. Middle-aged women are more susceptible to this risk than others.
Diabetes is a condition in which the body is unable to break down the glucose present in the blood. Obesity has adverse effects on the body’s lipid levels and insulin resistance, and can lead to Type 2 Diabetes. Those suffering from Type 2 Diabetes are at a risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, kidney failure and even blindness.
Other Effects
Obesity can also lead to a variety of other health problems. Obesity leads to infertility problems, even among women who have regular menstrual cycles. Excess levels of fat also leads to sleep apnoea, a condition in which a person cannot breathe for a period of time when he is sleeping (leading to sleep disruption and insomnia) and also puts him at a risk for several diseases, including cancer.
PAREXEL is a clinical pharmacology research unit that are recruiting for medical trials investigating obesity. If you are interested in participating in a paid drug trial, visit PAREXEL’s volunteer recruitment site: