Hair transplants are usually associated with male balding. Nearly 90% of male patients experience rapid and natural growth after the procedure.
But women make up a third of all hair transplant patients, and there has been a high increase in the need for women’s hair loss transplants.
The number of women experiencing hair loss has increased in the last few years.

Women can experience hair loss for many reasons; it could happen due to external factors like stress or internal factors like hormonal imbalance.
What Causes Women’s Hair Loss?
Androgenetic alopecia is the leading cause of hair loss in both men and women. This hair loss affects an estimated 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States.
Androgenetic alopecia can start at young ages, and the risk increases with age. Hair loss can affect a young woman, but you’re more likely to experience it after menopause.
Also, some medical conditions directly cause hair loss due to hormone disorders. These conditions include thyroid issues, scarring from skin conditions, like ringworm, or autoimmune disorders, like celiac disease, where the body attacks itself.
These are the most common medical conditions related to hormone disorders that may lead to women’s hair loss:
• Hypothyroidism
• Hyperthyroidism
• Hodgkin’s disease
• Hypopituitarism
• Hashimoto disease
• Systemic lupus erythematosus
• Addison’s disease
Other reasons that cause hair loss for women that aren’t related to hormone disorders include:
• High-stress levels
• Extreme diets
• Anemia – iron deficiency
• Immunological conditions
• Hair damage from dyes, straighteners, and hair extensions
• Imbalanced hormone levels
• Vitamin B12 deficiency
How To Know If You’re Eligible for Hair Transplant?
Hair transplants in Turkey are safe, cost-effective, and guaranteed treatment to combat hair loss. The treatment will restore hair and stimulate regrowth.
Unfortunately, not every woman is a good candidate for a hair transplant. A quick dermatologist visit can tell whether you are a fit candidate for a hair transplant. If you don’t have enough hair in the donor area, it will be difficult for the surgeon to harvest healthy follicles.
Most women suffer from diffuse balding, an overall thinning of hair in all areas of the head, including the donor areas, making it impossible to perform hair transplants.
But you are a good candidate if you fit these criteria:
- If you experienced hair loss due to scalp injuries, trauma, chemical burns, scarring from accidents, and burn.
- If you suffer from hair loss due to traction or mechanical alopecia.
- If you suffer from alopecia marginalis
- If you’re experiencing any baldness that does not affect the donor area
- If you had an unsuccessful previous hair transplant and desire better results.
How Is the Hair Transplant Performed?
Once the doctor considers your eligibility for the procedure, they will discuss the best approach for your hair transplant using the most appropriate technique that their surgeons decide.
There are two popular and preferred hair transplant techniques, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation(FUT). FUE is more popular because the method doesn’t leave a scar, only small scabs that heal in a couple of weeks.
A few advantages that FUE has over its more traditional counterpart, FUT:
• No visible scars after surgery
• The donor area remains unchanged
• It gives a more natural look
• The recovery is shorter, as no stitches are needed or used
• Little pain during the treatment
• The procedure takes less time to complete
The procedure uses a micromotor fitted with a micro-punch to harvest hair grafts from the donor area. Using the micro-punch device, the doctor will create miniature holes in the receiving area, placing the grafts in it. Each graft contains around 3-4 hair follicles, which will later be transplanted into the new host area.
Once the procedure is over, the doctor will wrap the treated areas in elastic bandages. Depending on the transplant size, the process will take about four to eight hours. You may need another procedure later if you continue to experience hair loss or decide you want thicker hair.
Hair loss can have a traumatic effect on any individual, even more so on women. While some women can shrug it off and continue their lives, others could get devasted from the experience.
Some patients prefer a medical tourism agency to plan their treatment abroad. It gives you relief to focus on your recovery. The agency will prepare a customized trip that fits your needs. The package will include flight, accommodation, and airport transfer.
women are bound to take action in an image-based society. Among all hair loss cures and treatments, hair transplant procedures can be a good and long-lasting solution for women looking to regain their natural looks and femininity.