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In this day and age, there are so many possible career paths to choose from, it can all very well become a tad overwhelming. In choosing their professional paths in life, people tend to be motivated by a lot of different reasons, from money to convenience, to a successful alignment with their own personal mission, at least in the most fortunate cases.

To this end, this “inner why” can cover lots of aspects. People may want to contribute to building the future in terms of technology, create a better world in terms of politics or they may simply like helping people. If you are a person who likes helping others, but don’t know where to start, rest assured – there are many available career paths for you ahead. Let’s take a look at five of these career choices:
1. Becoming a Teacher
For people who want to help others and improve the world they live in, there’s no better way to start than with education. Educating young minds or even those of established adults is very gratifying, as it enables you to not only teach a subject of your choice, that you’re truly passionate about, but it also allows you to put your own spin on it. You get to deal with actual people and you can contribute to shaping their beliefs about the world and their surroundings. If you’re guided by a strong, healthy code of values and principles then you can graciously pass them on to the newer generations as well.
2. Joining or Founding an NGO
Non-governmental organizations are typically created for the better good of the world. NGO activity generally revolves around human rights work, social and environmental advocacy, so there’s plenty of rewards in terms of helping people. Although the salary may not be as fulfilling as in the corporations, the work you do certainly will be. Apart from this, you’ll also be surrounded by people who share your vision in life and are animated about the same mission. Having said this, being surrounded by a supportive and understanding collective may be the decisive factor to make you wake up in the morning happy to go into work.
3. Becoming a Youth Worker
There’s nothing more fulfilling than acquainting yourself with the youth, especially the vulnerable youth, and creating new possibilities for people who might have faced situations in their lives that needed external factors to influence their further development. Becoming a youth worker means understanding what the youth’s needs are and developing social action projects to support these needs. In order to take on such responsibilities on your shoulder, you’ll first need to obtain a certificate that recommends you as a youth worker. Chances are that once you become one, you’ll face several challenges and disappointments along the way, such as that of young people not responding to your suggested course of action or advice. Then again, the reward is tremendous when they do and seeing them turn their lives around for the better.
4. Working in Medicine
Having a career in medicine can be extremely fulfilling since you get to see the effect your actions had on your patients and their families. Of course, you can also opt for a slightly different path, such as research, where you can contribute to discovering cures and treatments. You can also work as a GP, a surgeon or even in the armed forces. The possibilities are virtually endless and there’s bound to be one area that might suit your abilities and interests the most. Regardless of the type of doctor you want to become, you will need a degree in medicine. This will be a long and sinuous road, but definitely worth it in the end.
5. Becoming a Counselor
Counseling is also a career path that you can opt for if you want to help people that might have issues in their every day lives. Of course, this term covers a wide range of counseling possibilities, depending on what resonates with you the most. You can be a rehabilitation counselor, a mental health counselor, a drug and alcohol counselor, among other possibilities. After appropriate training as a counselor, you’ll actually be able to steer people away from their problems and build a new path with them to a healthier life. There’s nothing more fulfilling than seeing how people overcome their addictions and limitations, only to become who they truly have the potential to be.83
All in all, wanting to help people is a noble pursuit in life and there’s always going to be one path or another that can fulfill this purpose. In this respect, there is no such thing as being too generous, too kind or too compassionate. Whatever path you choose though, be confident it will be a noble choice that will bring you much reward and passion throughout.