Migraine is a medical condition in which severe headaches recur along with other symptoms. Before the headache comes, you may feel some sensory changes which are called an aura. The first thing we must understand is, migraine and headache are two different conditions. Migraine can last for days and affects someone’s daily life. If someone has a migraine, he or she will fail to do basic tasks of regular life.
The effect of migraine differs from person to person. Every individual has different triggers, symptoms, severity, and frequency of migraines. For people, migraine is a weekly episode, and for others, it happens occasionally. Let us talk about migraines, their symptoms, and remedies in detail.
What are the symptoms of migraines?

The symptoms of migraine are divided into 3 stages. In the 1st stage, people start feeling some symptoms hours before the headache. These symptoms also include the feeling of aura. The 2nd stage is a headache which is usually severe. Apart from headaches, one may also feel vomiting, nausea, and nasal blockage. The third phase is called migraine hangover, which lasts for two days. During these days, one feels irritated and tired. This headache may increase during any physical activity. Extra sensitivity to light and sound will irritate the patient more.
What are the causes of migraines?
The precise cause of migraine is not yet known. It may be caused by the changes in the neural communication system or chemical imbalance in our brain. They are:
Hormone change
Our bodies undergo some hormonal changes during different stages of life. For example, during our menstruation, our hormones fluctuate, which may cause a migraine.
Emotional instability
Different emotions like depression, stress, and anxiety can cause mental pressure, resulting in a migraine.
Our diet
Some food items contain additive tyramine, which triggers a migraine. Such types of food include caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, cheese, etc.
Some medicines have side effects which may trigger a migraine. Any type of sleeping pills, birth control pills, and some others can cause migraines.
Some environmental conditions can trigger migraines like strong smells, loud noise, suffocated rooms, too bright lights, flickering screens, and temperature changes.
Apart from these, sleeplessness, tiredness, low blood sugar, irregular food habits, dehydration, poor posture can also trigger a migraine.
How can we treat migraines?
Migraine cannot be completely treated. One can lower down the frequency and severity of migraines with some medical help. Only after the symptoms show up, you can start the treatment.
Acupressure therapy
Acupressure is a type of therapy that focuses on making pressure on different parts of your body. When different pressure points of our body get stimulated, our muscles become stress-free which heals pain.
Change of diet
Some foods are major migraine triggers. So, avoiding foods like red wine, processed food, chocolate, and alcohol, etc., will be helpful.
Essential oils
Essential oils act as a natural home remedy. These oils are often used in cleaning products. Lavender is an amazing essential oil for treating anxiety, stress, and headaches.
Ginger can be helpful to ease migraine pain. Ginger dust is as effective as any migraine medicine. So, if you do not have any allergy, you can use ginger for your migraine.
Managing stress
Stress is a definite trigger for migraines and is a cyclic process. With a migraine, your stress level increases. As you take more stress, the migraine keeps coming back. Try taking stress management classes or practicing meditation.
Practice yoga
Yoga is the best way to heal migraine. It improves the blood flow and releases muscle tension. Thus, your migraine gets improved.
Biofeedback therapy
This therapy relaxes our tight muscles. When the sensors in your forehead, trapezius muscle, and jaw line get stimulated, migraine pain starts healing.
Herbal therapy
Herbs like feverfew and butterbur can reduce the frequency and pain of migraine. Butterbur is more effective than the other. But, always get in touch with a physician before using any.
Nutrient rich foods
Lack of magnesium and vitamin B-complex can trigger severe migraine and headache. So, eat healthy food items that are packed with lots of minerals and vitamins to avoid migraine.
Keep your body hydrated
Dehydration is considered to be one of the biggest migraine triggers. Minor dehydration can cause severe headache. Therefore, you should drink plenty of water all day and stay hydrated.
Take enough sleep
Sleeplessness can increase migraine pain. Hence, a minimum of seven to eight hours of deep sleep every day is recommended. If you have insomnia, consult with a doctor.
Sometimes a cold compress can heal your migraine pain. Infact, it works better for migraines. So, place a cold compressor on the head and soothe your pain.
These are all the effective remedies that you can use to treat migraine. If treating them at home doesn’t help, it is time to visit a doctor. Jeeo Health Center is the one of the best solutions for migraine treatment.
Can we prevent migraines?
Precaution is always better than a cure. If we can prevent the headache, we do not have to feel severe pain later. By following some ways, you can prevent migraines and reduce their frequency.
You can use topiramate to prevent migraines. Propranolol can effectively treat high blood pressure. Antidepressants, Botox, and gepants can also keep you away from migraines. The improvement may come after weeks of usage..
Avoiding triggers
Migraine is always caused by some triggers. Those are:
- Low blood sugar
- Stress
- Depression
- Physical overexertion
- Food items that contain tyramine
- Some medicines
- Bright lights
- Loud sounds
- Flickering screens
Apart from these you can incorporate some good habits into your life and see a positive change. These changes include;
- Sleeping on time and having the required amount of deep sleep
- Not taking too much stress
- Drinking enough water
- Posture improvement
- Following a healthy diet and avoiding foods that trigger migraine
- Regular physical and mental exercise
Should you still suffer from migraines despite your efforts, consult a doctor immediately. They are health experts and use innovative natural methods and medications that help you to come back to your regular life as early as possible. So, visit them and free yourself from recurring migraine episodes.