If you’re wondering why an HSG is recommended, it’s because it’s usually one of the first tests requested if you’re having problems getting pregnant. If you’ve had more than two miscarriages, it’s also a good idea. An irregularly shaped uterus is responsible for 11% to 16% of recurrent pregnancy losses. Your doctor will most likely conduct a laparoscopy if it reveals tubal obstruction.

In this article, we will tell you what is HSG test and its advantages so continue reading this article to find out more about it.
What is the HSG test?
The HSG test, also known as uterosalpingography, is a technique that examines your fallopian tubes and uterus. By putting a radio-opaque substance, such as a dye, into the cervical canal, your doctor can more properly check the structure of the fallopian tubes and uterine cavity. The dye will flow into the abdominal cavity if the tubes get obstructed.
It will also tell you whether the blockage is distal, at the tube’s end, or proximal, at the tube’s junction with the uterus. If the fallopian tube is obstructed in some way, sperm cannot reach the egg, and the fertilized egg cannot reach the uterus, preventing pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy could result from a partially blocked tube.
What are its advantages?
There are many advantages of HSG and these are listed below:-
- Increases chances of pregnancy
Women who are getting this test may have clogged tubes. The block may open after the HSG test if it’s flimsy or new. The patient may become pregnant after the fallopian tube test in certain cases. Antibiotics may aid in the healing of infected tissue if given before the tube test.
Surprisingly, some women have a higher chance of spontaneously becoming pregnant following HSG the chances can increase by up to 25% for up to three months after the surgery. It could be owing to the dye solution strengthening the uterine lining, or it could be due to tubal flushing from the oil-based contrast fluid.
2. Highlights any oddities
Furthermore, the HSG Test not only improves the odds of conceiving or becoming pregnant, but also reveals any abnormalities in the reproductive chamber during X-ray imaging, such as cysts or other abnormalities. It isn’t required for these extra-terrestrial bodies to interfere with fertility. The X-ray quickly detects them and can alert the patient, who may not have experienced any visible symptoms as a result of such anomalies. Some of these cysts could be cancerous! The HSG Test “throws light” on them.
How painful is it?
Most patients say that having an HSG causes cramping that is similar to period cramps. The abdominal cramping can sometimes last long after the test is finished. This is usually determined by the specific aspect being addressed.