With the rising necessity to maintain cleanliness to our surroundings and ourselves, people have become more mindful of their self-hygiene and overall health. One of which is their oral care.

Now, some may have accumulated dental issues due to the scarcity of dentistry services during the lockdown. Home remedies have been the first solution to address these concerns. Although it might be effective, you should always consult your dentist first. With that, here are five common dental problems that you might need to know.
Oral Cancer
Oral cancer is a life-threatening condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Ultimately, this needs advanced oral care when presumed to be a severe condition. If you ever need advanced dental in Ocala, VIPcare can help you address your oral issues.
The Oral Cancer Foundation states that oral cancer kills one person in the United States per hour, but it is generally treatable when detected at its early stages. The majority of those afflicted are above the age of 40. The two most important risk factors are tobacco and alcohol use, mainly chewing tobacco. The risk is further increased by HPV, a sexually transmitted wart virus.
Sores, lumps, or rough regions in the mouth are signs of mouth or throat cancer. You may also experience difficulties eating or moving your tongue or jaw, as well as a change in your bite. Regular dental appointments can detect oral cancer at its early stages. Ask your dentist if an oral cancer exam is included in their regular checkup.
Tooth Decay
Cavities, often known as tooth decay, are the most common ailment in the United States, second only to the common cold. Plaque, a viscous material that builds up on your teeth, combines with your food’s sugars and starches, can cause tooth decay. Acids are produced as a result of this mixture, which destroys tooth enamel. Cavities can affect anyone at any age; they aren’t only for kids. Cavities form as the enamel on your teeth erodes with age. It’s important to visit someone like Dr Silman Smile Spa to make sure that you’re getting advice on how to fix this.
Dry mouth, which can be caused by aging or medication, can also develop cavities. The best methods to avoid tooth decay include brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting your dentist. Preventing decay can also be accomplished by eating healthy foods and avoiding sugary snacks and drinks.
Tooth Sensitivity
Tooth sensitivity is a frequent issue that millions of individuals suffer from. Teeth sensitivity is defined as pain or discomfort in the teeth caused by sweets, chilly air, hot drinks, cold drinks, or ice cream. For some people with sensitive teeth, brushing and flossing can be excruciating. What’s great is, you can treat teeth sensitivity.
Tooth sensitivity may become a problem especially when one is pregnant , because pregnancy can cause a number of changes in the mouth, which can lead to increased sensitivity and a greater risk of tooth decay. Pregnant women often experience morning sickness, which can cause acid reflux and lead to the erosion of tooth enamel. In addition, pregnancy hormones can make gums more susceptible to infection, and pregnancy-related changes in blood sugar levels can also increase the risk of cavities. Thus, pregnancy dental care is very important, which means brushing twice a day and also seeing a dentist for regular check-ups.
Sensitive teeth can also indicate a damaged tooth or a tooth abscess, both of which your dentist should evaluate to avoid losing a tooth or developing an infection in your jaw bone. If you have unexpected tooth sensitivity, schedule an appointment with your dentist to check if something needs to be addressed.
Gum infection
It is an infection that affects the area surrounding the teeth, often called periodontal disease, and is also a typical cause of tooth loss in adults. Some studies have shown that heart disease may be linked to periodontal illness as well. Gum disease can affect anyone; however, it commonly strikes after the age of 30. Also, smoking is one of the most prominent risk factors, along with diabetes and dry mouth. The indications are bad breath, red, swollen, irritated, or bleeding gums, sensitive teeth, and uncomfortable chewing.
Tooth Erosion
Tooth erosion occurs when acid penetrates the enamel, resulting in the loss of tooth structure. Tooth erosion can manifest itself in a variety of ways, from sensitivity to more severe problems. Tooth erosion is quite common than most people believe, but treatment may prevent it.
Observe brushing at least twice a day and use dental floss daily. Have a balanced diet and visit the dentist regularly. These are all essential measures in avoiding dental problems. It’s also a great way to understand dental concerns and their causes to prevent them, so keep an eye out for these typical dental concerns.
If you don’t have a dentist yet, you can check out this one who does tooth extractions in Tewksbury.