I received a Christmas tree and compensation for posting. All opinions are my own.
This year has been a very different kind of year. Lots of changes and big adjustments. I never realized what a big impact Christmas had on me until I started to get out our Christmas decorations. The lights, the smell of pine, hot cocoa, it’s all so magical. It takes me back to my childhood when the Christmas season would arrive and I am so blessed to have many happy memories around Christmas.

For me, it’s a time to be around family and come together to celebrate in love and joy. Eat good food, see the lights, sing the songs. Give gifts to those people in your life that you care about. We have a very fun Christmas tradition where each year we all get a new ornament to hang on our tree. It is usually themed around something we are interested in. It’s fun to see everyone’s interests evolve each year.

This year we got a new white tree and I love it. It’s my first white tree and I am in heaven. The white branches are gorgeous to me. It is so fun to see all our ornaments and the ornaments my kids have made as they grow.

I am so happy the Christmas season is upon us!! It truly cheers up our home and that is exactly what we need right now!