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My home can be pretty busy and I have found a way to make it feel less chaotic! I recently downgraded the size of my home significantly. I have gone from a 5 bedroom home to a 3 bedroom apartment with a significant change in how much space I have. With 3 kids and 2 pets, it can feel like a lot to cram into a small space, but I am happy to say that I was able to make the transition and I am so much happier for it. So I want to share just how I did it in these Ways to Save Space in a Busy Home.

Donate It/Throw It Out-
This part is critical. If you want a home that is clutter-free and has a nice open feel you will need to have a balance to the size of the home and the number of items inside of it. Having 3 children between the ages of 12 and 3 we have accumulated a lot of items over the years. It was time for cleansing.
I had each person go through their belongings and truly decide what was necessary and what could be donated to people in need. I was very surprised to see that not only were my kids on board with this, but they got excited to fill up bags for donation.
During this step, you have to be ready to get rid of a lot. If you don’t clear the clutter you simply can’t have a clutter-free space. For each room, I had a bag for trash, a box for donation, and a pile for what was being kept.
Be sure to go through each room in your home and repeat this step.
Get Organized-
Now that you have minimized your clutter, it’s time to organize it. This step is critical in keeping the space looking nice. I have found that when each item has a place, it can stay nice and tidy rather than returning to the chaos.
For this step, storage bins are a must. Once you know what items you have and have chosen to keep, you can make a list of what bins will be needed. I got large bins for my daughter’s dress-up clothes and my performance costumes. Small bins are perfect for my daughter’s barbie accessories and small toys. My son’s legos and action figures all have designated bins. Our art supplies, office supplies, all in designated storage containers.

Maximize your storage-
You will want to utilize every inch of storage space you have, especially if you are downsizing. Use high shelves for items you won’t need as often, such as holiday décor or winter clothing. If you have a garage you will want to utilize this space as much as possible. If you don’t have a garage I suggest looking into the cost to build a new garage. I think it may surprise you at how affordable it can be to build one. Having a garage has been priceless to me. While I did donate and throw out a lot, there was still quite a bit I did want to keep like Christmas and Halloween décor. I am thankful to have a garage for this overflow.
In order to maximize your garage space I suggest purchasing shelving in which you can neatly stack all of your organized bins. Not only does it give the garage a nice clean look, but it helps you to know what you have and where it is. I like to write on my bins so I can clearly see what is in each. I also store each holiday together to make it easier once the holiday arrives. Utilizing hooks to hang bicycles is also a great way to get even more space in your garage.

Stay on top of it-
Once your home is clutter-free and organized it feels so great! I’ve actually never enjoyed my home more. But it is something that has to be cared for regularly. As items leave their designated spots, it’s important to get them back where they belong. With kids, this can be extra crazy.
We started implementing a family clean up time each night where everyone pitches in and we put everything back in its place. Since we have a toddler, some days can be a little crazy, and having this nightly system not only teaches my kids to pitch in and help, it also keeps the toddler messes to a level we can handle. I feel this step is the most important one because, without it, I know my house would slowly return to the land of chaos that it once was.
I hope my ideas have helped you to start your journey to more clear and clutter-free space. It can really create a lot of peace in a busy home.