It is important to provide support, love and encouragement to children with special needs as such positive attention will most likely reinforce the emergence of confidence, strong sense of self-worth and determination to push through difficult moments in their lives. When it comes to social-emotional learning (SEL), story book apps are a great way to provide support and encouragement to children with special needs. As these apps are formatted like stories, they can be a fun and engaging way for children to learn about important social-emotional topics.
Let us take a look at children who have special needs when it comes to their learning needs. It is important to always look for different ways in which you can help them help themselves. Remember your job as a parent, teacher or guardian is not to provide just the cure for them but to give the child who is in your care, emotional and social pieces of equipment and tools required to battle their challenges.
The child with special learning needs will eventually become more resilient and stronger when continuously overcoming and facing the challenges in life. It is also important to know that you are practically a role model to them as our attitude to a certain challenge has a great impact on the young one, therefore a good attitude is always recommended when the child is present.
A teacher should understand that students with special needs are required to be taught in a different approach from the rest of them, not so as to seclude them from the rest but because they require this special attention and thus they will need to enhance their environment.
Below is a list of some of the ways which a teacher, parent or even guardian can use so as to educate children with special learning need:-
- Maintain an organized classroom and limit distractions:-It is important to maintain a healthy unstructured and structured process in a classroom for the student with special learning needs. Using methods mentioned on will make sure that there is such a balance in the process.
This balancing process includes having a place for every single thing labeled clearly on the desk with maybe use of colors and words, depending on the desire of the child. Also in the balancing process maintain an organized classroom by ensuring that the children have organized notebooks and always provide ways in which they can keep them organized at all times.
In the area of keeping things unstructured, you can do this by allowing children to move freely in the classroom. It is important to note that children with special learning needs have a hard time following directions or hearing instructions when they are distracted and they are easily distracted. To prevent it, avoid keeping them around windows as passer-by might be a source of distraction to them.
- Use music and voice inflection:-Children with special learning needs tend to respond better to variation in voice tone and inflection. It is therefore advisable to use a certain level of voice exaggeration when narrating a story as switching from a base to alto. This will cause the concentration of the students to increase.
Switching to singing when transitioning from one activity to another can also be a way in which you can induce concentration to such children with special learning needs.
- Ensure the instructions are in small, manageable tasks:-It is not advisable to give several instructions or prolonged instructions at once to children with special learning needs as they have difficulty in comprehending them. It will, therefore, be required for you to breakdown these instructions so as to incorporate them.
You can use tips from so as to know how to Ensure the instructions are in small understandable portions.
- Use multi-sensory strategies:-Again as a teacher, parent or guardian you should be aware that different children learn in different ways but that does not change the goal. Therefore it is important to make all the lessons as much in a way that it is in various sensory style as possible.”Why, if you ask?” This is because children with special learning needs might have difficulty in one area but flourish excellently in another, that is why you should use both the visual cues and the auditory cues.
This will require you to level up your creativity so as to boost the imagination of the children. This is also one of the easiest ways in which you can help your student or child who has special learning needs to overcome and face the learning challenge.
- Give students with special needs opportunities for success: These children normally feel as if they regularly do not succeed in many areas of their life, thus creating a sense of doubt. So as to prevent this feeling from creeping up into their lives it is recommendable to structure lessons that will ensure that they succeed and keep them motivated. Correct them whenever they are wrong, and reward them whenever they are right so as to instill good and hardworking behavior in them.
Ensure that you put a little bit of effort whenever dealing with children who require special learning needs.