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Digital technology is the present and the future of the modern world. We are living in an era where everything is literally a click away from us. Nevertheless, it is not surprising when we say that the evolution of technology has also had an impact on the field of music. People who are interested in music don’t have to worry about the hassle of finding their dream instruments, classes, private piano lessons or even learn on their own. (Thank you, Internet, for coming to life).

Was music, especially piano, an important part of a persons’ life as it is now? Let us have a look at the social history and evolution of the instrument before we jump to random conclusions.
Social History of a Piano
The 1700s
The instrument of magical melodies and an important part of almost every melody and synchronization, the piano, was invented in the 1700s. At the time of invention, it was common in the royal and wealthy households to entertain themselves with the melodious tunes produced by the instruments.
The 1800s and 1900s
From the 1800s to the 1900s, it became quite common for the gentry and rich folks of the era to start bringing the colors of music in their life by learning musical instruments and it is not surprising to say that piano was at the top of the list. Hence, learning the instrument had become quite common for the children of such people.
Piano among women and in homes
Ever since the invention, the piano has been a popular and royal instrument. In the ages when the female was considered an exquisite and ethereal, it was considered a matter of honor for the female to be able to play this instrument.
At homes, it was a form of entertainment for people until television and the radio was invented. After their invention, this source of entertainment was only confined to the people who loved playing it as a hobby.
Nonetheless, the piano still is and probably will be a huge part of the music industry and a source of entertainment for millions of people.
So now we are moving on to the question that was raised initially. Were private lessons that teach piano as common as they are today?
Let us now discuss and talk about the evolution of the piano
Throwback to the Past
When the piano was still a part of the people who belonged to royal and noble backgrounds, it was a custom to pass on the teachings over the generations. The legend pf symphony and music, Mozart has claimed that he learnt the initials of the piano from his father. Which means that this instrument was considered as a custom of teaching the child to learn about his skills and potential as well as a source of bonding and having quality time with your children?
It can still apply by the way if your child is not a rock freak who plays a genre of music you are not familiar with!
20th Century Shenanigans
The piano became quite common in the 20th century with a decrease in prices and more and more people interested in the instrument because of its royal nature and versatility in tunes. It was the time when piano classes became common and certain schools even decided to make music especially piano a subject in their regular school hours.
It was certain that the people had realized by then that music is an art and mastering one of the most versatile and multi-dimensional instruments is definitely the way to go.
21st Century Exclusiveness
By the end of the 20th century, piano classes had become quite common among people and what to do when something starts to become too common? Make it exclusive again. The 21st century began with a rise to the modern digital world in which we live in and obviously there are many people and children whose tastes and preferences developed and changed with the changes in trends.
Piano lessons have become more of a private thing now and people are adapting the concept of private piano lessons. One should hire teachers who offer more attention to one student instead of one teacher giving it to a class of 20 pupils.
Thanks to the internet and its evolution of taking over everything, self-learning has become quite common and a popular way to save money. You may not be able to grasp the concepts the way a professional teacher will teach you to but videos and tutorials over the internet have enabled people to learn the basics and even become exerts of the piano with time.
The Evolution of Piano
Invented as a big instrument which was difficult to move across from one wall to another, the piano has taken a huge evolvement from a big non-portable instrument to something as convenient as an online keyboard and is also available as a mobile app that you can easily download on your cellphone.
Future of a Piano
Despite the instrument being a royalty at the beginning, with the changes in trends and technologies, a simple piano has been taken over by several other alternatives. The ratio of teachers and learners has been facing a steady decline but one thing is for sure that instruments like the piano don’t face a decline unless the people with a fancy taste and a liking for music have somehow faded away from the world.
The piano is an instrument of the olden times that was once a source of entertainment for the nobility, royalty and the gentry of the old times. Nowadays it is being used in all aspects of music as this instrument is quite versatile in terms of tunes and symphonies.
Initially, it was just a privilege to the rich people which became quite common over time. Whether you are taking classes or your tutor is teaching you private piano lessons, mastering the art of an instrument with so many dimensions is certainly a blessing!