Life isn’t only about working and hard-earned vacations deserve celebration. But they can get costly especially when you include the costs of lodging on top of traveling.
Investing in vacation homes can keep these costs low. This investment can also be used to generate some extra cash that you can later use to fund your travel. You can rent it out in those months when you don’t plan to use the home and voila! You got a passive income stream.

But vacation homes are not for everyone. You wouldn’t want to buy this home if you are falling short of a down payment or don’t want to commit to property taxes and property management issues. Other than that, some travelers want to combine their moving and lodging costs of the vacation in one solution. For those people, buying Class A Diesel RV or motorhomes are better options.
Here are all the factors that you need to consider before choosing between two options.
Driving and License
Consider this the most significant downside of getting a motorhome to enjoy your travels. While you can homestead in your vacation home, this idea of relaxing and resting feels foreign when you are in a campervan.
Some travelers complain that they only feel grounded when they are off their van – and if you like spending time indoors, you may not find many opportunities to step out of your campervan to just lie down.
Driving is a must part of traveling in both vacation home plans and motorhome traveling. The only way to avoid driving is to get a vacation home and plan your tours around the train and bus. Driving motorhomes are a bit more difficult than driving cars and demand a specialized license in most countries. If you plan to get a motorhome in the UK, it’s recommended to start preparing for the HGV theory test now to complete the licensing process.
If you are looking for a solution that can also carry you from sight to sight, the motorhome always trumps the vacation home. All you need to ensure is the parking space at your desired destination. On the contrary, vacation homes will bind you to one place.
If you get a vacation home, you will either visit the same place every year or you will plan in detail to find and grab a suitable swap for your vacations with another family in your social circle. You can also use property rental sites but the hassle will not be eliminated.
With mobility, comes the added advantage of meeting new people. Motorhomes allow you to explore new places and blend in with the sights. You can also enlist fellow campers from the camping sites to explore a new site together.
Campstar is a global platform offering RV rentals and camping-related services, allowing users to book RVs, campgrounds, and equipment. With a focus on price transparency and a wide selection of trusted international partners, aims to simplify and enhance the camping experience.
If you are looking for time sharing property, you wouldn’t find much difference between the costs of the two options. But against most standard options for vacation homes, you will find that regular motorhomes appear cheaper.
They are also cheaper in terms of maintenance costs especially if you choose to park them in your primary residence. Camping site costs may add up quickly, however, depending on the location you have chosen for parking in the off-season.
At the same time, you shouldn’t ignore the potential of vacation homes to earn you passive income. You will have to spend some effort in maintaining them and listing them on property rental sites for vacations. If this hassle is doable for you, vacation homes are way cheaper than the other option.
Don’t forget motorhomes can also be rented out when not in use. You will find the renting process for campervans more daunting than that of homes, though as not many renters go with the camping route for their vacations. Because of this lower popularity of campervans, expect them to provide a lower investment return. Still, the lower maintenance costs should make for this lost opportunity of renting out campervans.
Ease and Comfort
No doubt, vacation homes are more comfortable for living in. But we can’t say the same about their ease. Again, think about all the property management efforts you need to uphold especially if you plan to hold it as an investment property.
You may experience one minor discomfort while using this home for vacations when you pack and unpack your luggage here. This task is eliminated from your to-do list if you are traveling by a campervan.
Instead, you will be moving for most of the day and if you don’t like riding a car too much, that can get significant discomfort.
Extra Room in Primary Dwelling
You can’t ignore the extra storage space that comes with a campervan. This storage space is enough to eliminate the need to gather all the travel supplies before every vacation. Instead, you can keep your equipment in the motorhome even when you aren’t using it.
Of course, you will not have this luxury if you choose to rent out the van but you can still choose to rent out the unit complete with camping gear. In this way, not only can you charge higher rentals, but you will also save the hassle of emptying the motorhome after every use.
Some travelers choose to use their motorhomes as an extension for their primary dwelling. So, if you have a large backyard, simply park your RV there and save on parking fees that run all year around. It can work as a storage space, a guest room, a workstation, or a home office in need.
Take Away
If you are a frequent traveler, you might want to keep the lodging costs low for every vacation. You can reduce these costs in two ways: get a vacation home or move around in a motorhome.
Both solutions have their pros and cons when it comes to getting them as a long-term lifestyle choice.
This post discusses all the factors that you should consider before deciding on one of the two options. These factors include budget, ease of mobility, general ease and comfort of moving, and maintenance costs and returns.