The journey into welcoming your baby is exciting, and we know that knowing your due date is essential for preparing successfully for breastfeeding. Although many focus on due date planning, few expectant mothers realize its significance toward building a strong base for nursing success, perennial breastfeeding expert Lauve, the guide’s author, shared. Whatever the case, if you’re preparing for motherhood for the first time, or you’re building your family, timing your preparation around your due date will ensure that you are ready for the wonderful breastfeeding journey that awaits you. We’ll identify important landmarks in your pregnancy timeline, help you set up a successful breastfeeding environment and outline practical actions to take in those all-important first few days of nursing. Whether you are looking to build your support network or master the basics of feeding in the early days, this guide arms you with the knowledge and confidence you need. Master the timing of all the preparations, identify the pivotal developmental milestones, and set up a supportive environment for you and your babe to master breastfeeding together.
Understanding Your Due Date and Breastfeeding Timeline
The due date becomes an important planning point for successful breastfeeding planning. And while only about 5 percent of babies actually come on their due dates, knowing how one is determined can help you set up a solid timeline for preparing. Most health care providers estimate your due date calculator by adding 280 days (40 weeks) to the first day of your last menstrual period, although early ultrasounds can help fine-tune that estimate.
As pregnancy progresses, your body starts striving to get ready for breastfeeding. Your breasts will start to produce colostrum, the nutrient-dense first milk, around week 16. This development is the perfect opportunity to get started with your education and preparation for breastfeeding. Weeks 20–24: Take breastfeeding classes to familiarize yourself with best practices and positioning. By 28 weeks, your breasts are fully loaded with milk-making cells, so it’s a good time to get your supplies and nursing station set up.
It is important to prepare for breastfeeding in the last trimester. Weeks 32-36: Find lactation consultants and support groups Over the course of these weeks, your body fine-tunes production of hormones that will kick-start milk production after you give birth. Knowing this natural timeline makes it easier to coordinate your preparations with your body’s biological readiness, putting you in the optimal position to be completely ready for your baby at the right time, which could be earlier or later than the due date you have calculated.
Essential Breastfeeding Preparations Before Due Date
Building Your Breastfeeding Support System
If you cultivate a strong support system far in advance of your due date, it dramatically increases your success with breastfeeding. Beginning around week 30 of pregnancy, research certified lactation consultants in your area. Book an initial consultation to discuss your objectives and develop a tailored feeding plan. Most hospitals provide lactation support services — check what’s available at your selected birthing place and add their contact information to your phone.
Creating Your Breastfeeding Station
By week 34, transform a quiet corner of your home into a comfy nursing nook. Place a forgiving chair with back support next to a side table for quick access to the necessities. Keep your station stocked with nursing pillows, burp cloths, and a comfortable momcozy nursing bra that you can easily slip into during feedings. Bring in soft lighting options, and place healthy snacks within reach. (You may also want to put a small basket with diapers and wipes if you want feeding sessions to be as uninterrupted as possible.) Your nursing station should be calm and orderly, and you should be able to reach everything you need. Having this dedicated space set up and ready to go before your due date can help foster a peaceful environment during those early feeding moments, and will also aid you in establishing a good milk supply.
Step-by-Step Guide to Early Breastfeeding Success
First 24 Hours After Birth
Successful breastfeeding is often established in the first hours after the baby is born. Start skin-to-skin contact right after your baby is born, to promote your baby’s natural feeding instincts. Look for early signs of hunger, including rooting, putting hands to mouth and lip smacking. When you latch on, you want your baby’s mouth to cover a big part of the areola, not just the nipple. Their lips ought to be flanged out like fish mouths. Your first milk, called colostrum, arrives in tiny quantities but is rich in antibodies and nutrients specially formulated for your newborn. If latching takes multiple tries, don’t worry — this is a normal part of the learning process for you and your baby!
First Week Breastfeeding Schedule
Initially, during the first week, plan to nurse your newborn 8 to 12 times a day (every 24 hours). Sessions can be anywhere from 20-40 minutes each while your milk supply establishes. Whereas, when you feed your baby on demand rather than on a strict schedule, your body is naturally regulating your milk production. Night feedings, in particular, are key for maintaining supply, but they can be tough. Sleep when your baby sleeps to keep up with exhaustion. Look for signs that the feeding is working: rhythmic sucking, audible swallowing, and relaxed hands and feet. Monitor wet and soiled diapers as an indicator of adequate intak — by day 4-5, you should expect about 6-8 wet diapers/day. Your mature milk usually arrives around day 2-5 with fuller, firmer breasts. It can be a lot to handle now, but keep in mind this is temporary until your body learns what your little one needs.
Preparing for a Successful Breastfeeding Journey
Preparation is a great contribution to a successful breastfeeding journey so remember that everything in preparation of this phase will always help you when it comes. Each step you took, such as preparing your nursing station, finding out what resources were available to support you, has been intentional and had its timing. Have your lactation consultant’s contact information close by, and call when you have questions. When in doubt, remind yourself that the early days are HARD, but you are well-armed with information about proper latching, feeding cues and normal newborn patterns. Have faith in your body’s ability to provide for your baby as it was designed to do and draw confidence from your support network. Every day will become more familiar with your baby’s needs and your own rhythms. To continue receiving support, seek out nearby La Leche League meetings, look into online lactation support groups, and keep in close contact with your health care providers. You have well-prepared – now enjoy this precious bonding opportunity with your baby.