Unfortunately, conception is not as straightforward as we would like it to be. Many factors affect the success of a couple’s attempts to conceive- but all in all, you may have to contend with constantly changing time frames.

This tendency for conception to take longer than expected can negatively affect the psyche, leading to stress, frustration and upset feelings. Nevertheless, you can take numerous steps to help; if not hasten, then ease and increase your chances of conceiving. So as you prepare to add on to your family, here are some top tips for conceiving.
Tips for natural conception:
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle by consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fibre and folate while simultaneously minimising the consumption of highly processed foods.
- Maintain a positive mindset.
- Exercise can increase the ability to conceive.
- Develop a fertility management plan.
- Don’t be too hardon yourself.
- See a fertility specialist early on to check that there are no other health issues you should address before conceiving.
When to seek further advice:
If you are concerned that you continue to experience a delay in conceiving, despite your best efforts, medical professionals advise you toseek specialist fertility advice promptly. However, this caution does not restrict you to a specific time frame. Therefore, it doesn’t matter how long you have been trying to conceive. You can set up an appointment with a specialist for assessment, advice and treatment whenever you feel you require it. Sometimes the clarity couples gain after getting professional advice helps demystify what is occurring and boosts positivity about the experience, regardless of age or time elapsed while trying.
On the other hand, it can be particularly challenging for couples trying to conceive naturally when confronted with possible health issues. This tendency, however, should not discourage you. Instead, consider gathering as much information as possible about your condition while keeping track of your body’s status. If you haven’t done so, you maybegin by asking your GP for a referral to a Fertility Specialist. This move can help you discover factors you can address and improve on while avoiding IVF treatments.
You may also be wondering about the ideal time to seek new beginnings and implement alternative approaches. The good news is that you can make changes whenever possible. However, no matter when you choose to change tactics and implement a new strategy, remember that maximising your natural fertility is key. You must also mark your starting pointand keep track of any new options you explore, thus being better able to monitor any progress or lack thereof.
Finally, consider the questions below. If you answer any of them in the affirmative, it may be time to see a fertility specialist.
- Are you concerned about the time it is taking you to conceive?
- Do you already know of a medical reason why you or your partner may have fertility problems?
- Do you suspect there may be a reason based on you and your partner’s past?
- Are you single and want a baby?
Remember, the journey to conception is exactly that; a journey. The road you encounter may be short and straightforward or long and twisted, but hopefully, in the end, and with the right help, you will come to the ideal destination where you can joyfully announce your pregnancy.