Motion sickness is a common ailment for many people, but it doesn’t have to be. There are many ways you can avoid motion sickness in order to enjoy your time on the road or at sea without feeling sick. In this blog post we will discuss 6 tips that will help prevent motion sickness from occurring in those hard-to-avoid situations. From what you eat before travelling to what medication might work best for you, these tips should give you everything you need to keep your stomach calm and happy even when there’s turbulence ahead! Keep in mind that if you do opt for medication, you must consult with a healthcare professional before taking anything. You may want to get in touch with expert such as NextClinic to help with referrals and prescriptions if required.

Before you head off on a long road trip, make sure you update your car insurance beforehand. It can be easy to forget about this every once in a while, but it’s best to make sure you’re getting the most comprehensive cover possible. NRMA car insurance can offer advice on the variety of options that are available and make sure you’re getting the best service for you. And if your vehicle is more than 10 year old, it may be wise to have roadside assistance in case your car breaks down at any stage of your trip.
Food and Drink
First, we’ll start with what you eat and drink before travelling. It’s important to avoid certain foods that can trigger an upset stomach such as greasy or spicy food items. These foods will only make matters worse and can potentially lead to further complications such as heartburn. Instead, opt for a light meal that contains protein and carbohydrates in moderation. Green vegetables are great options because they offer helpful nutrients but are gentle on the stomach. You should also make sure to drink plenty of fluids, especially water, before and during your trip. This will help avoid dehydration. Additionally, caffeine and alcohol can both dehydrate you and make motion sickness worse, so avoid drinking them before or during your trip.
Quick Remedies
If you’re already feeling motion sickness, there are a few things you can do to ease the symptoms. One is to sit in an upright position as much as possible. This will help reduce the amount of motion your body is experiencing. You can also try to focus on a stationary object in front of you and avoid looking at any movement. Chewing gum or sucking on hard candy can also help by stimulating saliva production and keeping your stomach contents from rising. There are also over-the-counter medications available that can help relieve motion sickness symptoms. If you’re travelling by car, try a Dramamine tablet; for boats or planes, use an over-the-counter patch such as Sea-Band; and for cars and trains, ginger capsules or tea may work best for you.
Sleep Well
You should also try to get plenty of rest and exercise before traveling. Being well-rested will help your body adjust to any new environments more easily and prevent fatigue from setting in. Additionally, a little light exercise can also help by increasing blood flow and improving circulation.
Avoid Reading
The next tip is to avoid reading while traveling. When you read in a moving vehicle, your eyes will have trouble focussing and this can make any motion sickness symptoms much worse. Your vision will be centred on your book but your inner ear will be detecting the twists and turns, and this could make your body feel unbalanced. If you must take something along to keep yourself occupied on the trip, choose an audio book or podcast instead of getting lost in a novel!
Speak to a Doctor
The last three tips are all about medication. Before you leave on your trip, talk with a doctor or pharmacist to find out if any medications might help prevent motion sickness from occurring in the first place. If that doesn’t work, try taking some anti-nausea medicine an hour before travelling and again every six hours after that until three days after your return. If you are pregnant, consult with a doctor before taking any medication.
Finally, if all else fails and you can’t seem to shake that motion sickness feeling no matter what you do, there are always sea bands! These wristbands work by applying pressure on the acupuncture point P-six on the inside of your forearm. This point is known to help with nausea and vomiting, so it may be worth a shot if you can’t get your motion sickness under control any other way!
There are many ways that you can avoid motion sickness. From what you eat before traveling to the medication that might work best for you, these tips should give you everything you need to keep your stomach calm and happy even when there’s turbulence ahead!