Dental hygiene is one of the most important aspects of raising kids, but somehow it gets ignored the most after mental health! However, you can always learn how to do things right and start setting the correct practices so that your kids have cavity-free, well-aligned teeth. Our four expert tips will give you a place to start if you need a nudge. Read them and reflect on how you can best include these in your routine!

- Cleaning Your Infant’s Mouth: If you think infants don’t need their mouths cleaned because they haven’t started teething yet, think again! Not only is it crucial to clean your baby’s precious mouth, but it can also help you evade bacterial infections, fevers and plenty of nights spent awake due to an upset stomach. The mouth of babies is the one place where everything goes into; not just milk and baby formula, but also dirt, hands and feet. If you’re finicky about hygiene like us, especially in the present times, cleaning your baby’s tongue and gums with a gentle washcloth twice a day will make sure their oral hygiene is up to the mark. If you’re not sure how it’s done, book an appointment by looking up “a dentist near me” on Google, and they’ll show you how!
- Teaching Growing Babies To Brush Properly: When babies are teething, saying that those are the most treacherous moments for their health is an understatement. Not only do they get bitey because of the gum ache, but also they bite all the wrong things- especially the wrong unsanitary things. Even if they have only a few teeth, teaching them how to brush correctly early on is necessary. These habits will help them all their life, so use the proper technique and routine. Brushing after meals and making a no sugar post brushing rule is a must!
- Quit the Milk Bottle at the Right Time: Using the milk bottle once your child has a substantial number of teeth, especially the front set of teeth, can be detrimental if stretched beyond a point. The constant suction from drinking water, milk, and formula can pull their milk teeth forward, distorting their appearance and dental alignment. Make sure you get them into big girl or boy cups once they are old enough to hold cups with both hands and drink without spilling too much.
- Checking For Cavities and Plaque Regularly: Milk teeth are not permanent, thank goodness. However, they tend to get cavities quickly, affecting the rest of the teeth and gum health. Plaque is a yellow substance that collects behind the teeth or between the gaps, which is another sign you need to revisit your kid’s dental routine of brushing and flossing correctly. Keep checking your child’s mouth for any signs of plaque or cavities forming. You can book a dentist appointment and get a cleaning done regularly.
Wrapping Up:
A smile is one of the first things people pay attention to, and your baby’s precious smile matters the most. That’s why visiting cosmetic dentist in San Diego for a better smile is much more than simple aesthetics. Make sure that you get them into the habit of caring for their dental health early in life with these tips, and you’ll have one more parenting hack mastered!