Our body is capable of healing itself and preventing or reducing the chances of contracting certain diseases. How? Through the immune system. Our immune system consists of tissues, cells, proteins, and organs. Together, they work to help strengthen our immune system. That helps reduce our chances of getting sick and catching viruses or bacteria. If your immune system is strong, you might not need to spend too much money on supplements or pills. So, how to strengthen your immune system? There are multiple ways for it like- working out, taking care of your body, perhaps with the help of something like these cell regeneration supplements or IV treatment for immune boost stressing less, and the most important-eating, right.

When you eat a balanced diet, you eat tons of fruits and veggies high in minerals and vitamins that can enhance your immune system. If you are wondering what these immune-boosting foods are, keep reading.
Citrus fruits- lemon, oranges, and grapefruits
Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, making them so special. This vitamin is an antioxidant, which our body needs to fight pathogens of all kinds. When you are sick or under the weather, you take vitamin C supplements or energy drinks. These may not cure your cold, but they will undoubtedly help you from getting worse.
However, why eat these fruits only when you are sick? Instead, include citrus fruits in your daily life, and your immune system will thank you for the same. To know how to include them in your diet in a balanced way, refer to ulleo, which has a course in nutrition to help you out.
Blueberries- The best immune building fruit
Experts recommend eating one serving of blueberries every day because it is rich in anthocyanin, a flavonoid. This antioxidant has properties that strengthen your immune system. In addition, experts believe that eating blueberries helps reduce your chances of upper respiratory infection and the common cold. These two infections are common and, if neglected, can become worse. So, instead of popping pills, have blueberries as it is or in your smoothies.
Dry or frozen blueberries also work if you cannot get your hands on fresh blueberries. Again, though, your first preference should always be organic and fresh.
Spinach- Full of vitamin C and iron
Spinach and other green vegetables are perfect for building immunity. Spinach especially has beta carotene & antioxidants, which are essential for improving your body’s fighting capabilities. The iron and vitamin C in this vegetable helps purify blood while also increasing its production. There are multiple ways to eat spinach:
- Add it to your smoothies
- Make a gravy dish
- Eat it raw in sandwiches and salad (Only if your stomach can handle raw spinach)
Make sure your kids eat spinach as it helps build their immune system, essentially to growing kids.
Dark Chocolate- Good source of theobromine
Rejoice, chocolate lovers, because eating a piece of dark chocolate is good for your health. Of course, we always knew how dark chocolate can enhance your mood. But did you know it can also strengthen your immune system? Yes, it has compound theobromine, which helps the immune system get strong.
However, do remember to only eat chocolate that contains 70-100% dark chocolate with less milk and sugar. It has pure cacao, which makes all the difference.
Button Mushrooms- For selenium
Button Mushrooms are nutritious dense fungi. It is rich in vitamin B, which improves your immune system. Also, it is rich in selenium, which helps your body fight infection. Unfortunately, selenium is one nutrient that your body cannot make, and you need to eat a proper diet to have this nutrient. Fortunately, button mushroom is a good source, and you can include it in your pasta or rice or even make a risotto.
Fermented foods- For gut
Including fermented foods in your diet is of utmost importance. It helps increase the number of good gut bacteria, and a majority of your immune system is in your gut. So, eat yoghurt, miso, pickles, buttermilk, kimchi, etc.
Wrapping up, work on your diet and include multiple fresh fruits and vegetables and even superfoods (think seeds!) to your diet. These foods will strengthen your immune system and reduce your chances of catching viruses and other diseases. Though, other measures like washing hands, staying in, if you are sick, and taking care of your overall health are essential too.