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Going to college is a wonderful opportunity for any student. It’s also a little stressful experience, for the students and the parents. Leaving your home for a completely new environment, surrounded by completely new people, might not be exactly what students and parents expect. From a different eating schedule and meal plan to going home late at night, after a library session, you’ll have to consider some of our safety tips regarding new scenarios. Getting out of your comfort zone and leaving for college is great. This way you’ll end up growing on an academic and on a personal level. This is the time for you to become an adult!
1. Lock the door. Doesn’t matter if you live in a dorm are you’ve rented a flat. You should lock the door to your room. This way you’ll make sure that strangers don’t get in and you won’t have reasons to doubt your flat-mates if you don’t find something you’re looking for. Another good idea is to install a home security system.
2. Try staying off the streets at night. One of the best safety tips for college students is that you should remember that you’re not in your hometown. Now you live in an area populated by people you don’t know. This is why you should avoid walking the streets at night alone. Maybe you had a study session at the library and missed your bus. Consider taking a cab home, even if it’s more expensive. Safety comes first!
3. Your college years are supposed to be fun. Go out, meet new people and make friends for a lifetime. But don’t party too hard. Keep in mind that if partying gets in the way of your studies, you’re missing the reason you came to college. More important, never accept a drink from someone you don’t know. It’s safer this way.
4. This one is for the parents. Get an alert device for your kid. Panic buttons are very useful to have. Once you press the button on the small device, it will alert the local police and the family and friends of your kid. It might seem a little of an overkill, but these devices are one of the best internet safety tips. Having help from qualified people over the click of a button will make you and your child feel safer. This is one of the best back to school tips for parents!
5. The next one might be a little bit obvious, but stay away from drugs! There’s nothing good coming out of that. Your productivity level drops and your health will follow.
6. If you take your car with you to college, take care how you drive. Remember that your car is not the place for a party. Follow the rules of traffic and drive with care.
7. Keep up with your classes and study ahead. Don’t forget that the reason you came to college is education. Go to the lectures and do your homework. This way you’ll be able to avoid born outs that will make you feel like a robot. Study hard and study smart! If you are in need of a high-quality hamlet essay, go online. Use technology to your advantage and stay active in school.

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8. Pay attention to what you eat. Staying safe means staying in the best physical and mental condition you can. Try to keep a balanced diet and exercise! Your ability to study is linked to your well being! Cook as much as your schedule allows you. A cooked meal is much better for your body than yesterday’s cold pizza.
9. Have a good sleeping schedule. To have enough energy to do everything you have in mind for a whole day, you’ll need to get that good night’s sleep.
10. Don’t hesitate to go to the campus’ doctor when you feel that something’s off. They might have some of the best tips for college students regarding safety and health!
Going to college is a great experience. Being on your own will teach you a lot about life and about yourself. But to be able to learn something from this whole experience, you’ll have to make sure you stay safe at any cost. Try having a healthy lifestyle and avoid dangerous situations. If you get in any kind of trouble don’t be afraid to contact someone in charge or a professional of any kind. Parents: have trust in your children and support them in any way you can. To ensure their safety, you can get an alarm device for your kids!
Elizabeth Skinner is a real-life digital nomad. She travels, documenting the education process around the world. Liz is a wonderful writer and an amazing educator!