If you’re the proud owner of a wine carafe, whether it’s made of glass or crystal, you might be unsure how to properly clean it after each use. A few stray drops of red wine can spoil the entire batch if left untouched, so you’ll want to get your carafe sparkling clean as soon as possible with these six secrets for cleaning your wine carafe.

(1) Remove Sediment
The first step to cleaning your wine carafe is to remove all sediment from inside. This can be done by putting some warm water and a touch of soap in it. Swirl it around for a few minutes then empty it out into another glass container. It is important that you don’t use too much soap or warm water because if either remains in your le chateau wine decanter, it will change how your wine tastes.
(2) Use a Soft Cloth
Using a hard or rough cloth to clean your wine carafe can scratch it, which is definitely something you want to avoid. Instead, use a soft, lint-free cloth. Chances are that you’ll probably have a few of these lying around your house already. If not, buy one at your local grocery store or head on over to Amazon and pick up an extra in case you need it in the future. They’re super cheap and they work great!
(3) Don’t Use Chemicals
A lot of people think that using chemicals and cleaners to clean wine carafes is a good idea. However, you’ll need to use some elbow grease—not chemicals—to get your wine decanter shining like new. The best way to clean out your wine carafe is to simply rinse it out with warm water and then use a little bit of soap. Be sure not to let any soap residue linger, however; otherwise, it will start reacting with your wine!
(4) Don’t Place in Dishwasher
It may sound simple, but you should never place your wine carafe in a dishwasher. Dishwashers are extremely hot (150-160 degrees) and may cause irreparable damage to your chateau wine decanter over time. The heat will also warp or ruin any labels on your decanter. If you must use a dishwasher, hand wash it with warm water first before placing it in your machine. If you do decide to hand wash it yourself, be sure to thoroughly dry it out afterward so that mold doesn’t grow inside of it.
(5) Keep Out of Direct Sunlight
Since you’re likely to have your wine carafe out on display in a prominent area of your home, make sure it’s not situated where it’s exposed to direct sunlight. The heat can build up quickly and reduce its usefulness as an effective decanter. Additionally, if you notice any water stains or other discoloration on your wine carafe (or even inside), that could be a sign that there are cracks or chips in it. If so, it’s time to get rid of it before all that sediment gets into your next glass of vino!
(6) Wash Gently with Warm Water and White Vinegar
If you rinse your decanter carefully with warm water and then follow it up with a vinegar solution, you’ll not only remove most of that stubborn sediment, but you’ll also disinfect your carafe. A vinegary solution will cut right through any bacteria that might be lingering in there. Be sure to thoroughly rinse away all traces of vinegar after you’re done cleaning.