Nowadays, we’re all caught up in the hectic and busy routine of life. We come home exhausted from work and it can be difficult to maintain our home every night of the week. For this reason, many of us neglect or delay basic chores like taking out the trash or washing the dishes. Everyone wants to keep the air in their house smelling fresh. The way your home smells can have a very strong impact on the atmosphere at home. Unfortunately, offensive odors coming from pets, smoke, mold, mildew, cooking or other sources can accumulate and with time may become harder to remove. If you want to skip right to a solution, it would be worthwhile checking out the best deodorizers and air purifiers for your home. Otherwise, we present a number of different solutions for preventative, maintenance and corrective care.

What’s more, sometimes cleaning and doing all the required chores may not be enough to deal with the bad smell. This is where deodorizers come in handy. Deodorizing your home will remove the unpleasant smell in your home. Actually, it feels much more inviting than you have ever thought. For this reason, we have compiled a few tips along with a room-by-room guide on how to keep the air in your house smelling fresh and deodorizers are definitely in the list. Check out the best dehumidifier for crawl space.
A few bright ideas
Fresh Outdoor Air
First and foremost, opening your windows to let some fresh outdoor air in is probably the easiest thing to do when your house smells bad. Even on a cold day, you should let outdoor airflow through as much as possible in order to keep the air inside clean and healthy. The fresher the air the less bad odors at home.
Regular Vacuuming
Secondly, keeping the floors, carpets and any other furniture clean and free of dust will dramatically increase the quality of the indoor air. In this case, a good way to deodorize the carpeting is by sprinkling baking soda so it can absorb the oil and dirt. After a while, you can vacuum them. However, it is good to consider reducing the carpeting at home because carpet traps lots of unhealthy particles and vacuuming may make them airborne.
House clearance services in London can always help out.
In addition to vacuuming, cleaning the hard surfaces in your house is another step to improving the air quality in your house. You can either apply special mild cleaners or you can use soap and water. Also, you can mix equal parts of white vinegar or lemon with water to create an environmentally-friendly homemade cleaner. Nevertheless, it’s not a secret that cleaning solutions from the local shop will not only kill bacteria from your bathroom or kitchen sink, but they will also make your house smell like a garden of flowers or maybe sea breeze because they are great deodorizers.
Throw Out the Rubbish
This may be nothing new, but if you want to get rid of the stench at home, you have to start from the trash. What’s more, keeping it for too long may invite unwanted pests and worsen the problem. If you own a pet in your house, make sure to clean up after it as frequently as possible so as to avoid any unwanted odors. If you need more help with rubbish clearance it can be nice to hire that work out.
Repainting is self-explanatory enough. It’s not only about decoration, but also about freshening up the old paint and the bad smell your wooden and metal furniture have accumulated. However, beware of VOCs, or volatile organic compounds, as well as toxic chemicals such as formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. For the purpose, using low-VOC paints will be quite alright.
Use Additional Air-cleaning Devices
Last but not least, there are tons of devices in the air-cleaning field like air conditioners, dehumidifiers, air purifiers and so on. For example, dehumidifiers are ideal for damp areas such as bathrooms or basements while air purifiers are suitable for any living area. What’s more, these home appliances will help keep humidity, mold, mildew, dust mites and other common airborne bacteria and smells out of your house. If you happen to already own such devices at home, it’s a good idea to clean and change their filters from time to time. By doing this, the air in your house will be permanently fresh and your devices will be more efficient.
A Room-by-room Guide
Living areas
To begin with, it’s a fairly easy task to keep the bedrooms and living rooms bright. Apart from dusting and vacuuming, it is highly advisable to keep smoke out. Anyways, air purifiers will improve the air quality and adding a few deodorizers won’t do harm as well. For example, fresh flowers and scented candles can add temporary freshness to the atmosphere. Along with the abovementioned regular cleaning chores, putting a few air fresheners in small spaces such as drawers and wardrobes can additionally improve the fresh smell. Fabric fresheners not only remove the unwanted smell, but some of them also keep pests like clothes moths and other annoying insects away from your clothes and upholstery.
First and foremost, ventilation here is a must. It’s a well-known fact that bathrooms have a heavy moisture content and mold and mildew can easily thrive there. Using bleach to clean the walls and mopping the floors will save you from these two. However, you should consider using a dehumidifier to keep the humidity levels in check. If you keep your pet litter in the bathroom, you may need an air purifier. Also, keep in mind that room sprays and deodorizers don’t last too long. Instead, you can try using reeds infused in essential oils. What is a reed diffuser? Make sure to read more about it to get started in using it for your bathroom.
Obviously, kitchens accumulate the most traffic and the most unwanted smells as well. For this reason, it is imperative to keep a fan to move the air from time to time so cooking stench don’t last for too long. Moreover, cooking leaves a greasy film on everything you can think of. This opts for more frequent cleaning. Also, make sure you vacuum the floor, especially if you have children or pets at home. Crumbs and hair can easily be dragged elsewhere in the house.
To further deal with bad odors, place a cup of vinegar on the top rack of your dishwasher every cycle. You can also put a cup of baking soda in the refrigerator to absorb unwanted smells.
Laundry and mudrooms
Lastly, these rooms almost always smell musky or damp. Therefore, a dehumidifier will do the job to keep them dry and fresh, especially in the basement or the laundry room. What’s more, you can easily get rid of the smell in your washing machine by placing a cup of vinegar or a cup of bleach and running a full cycle. Another good tip is to leave the machine door open between uses so as to prevent mold and mildew from growing.
The freshness of the air in your house is definitely one of the aesthetics that keep the positivity in at all times. However, there are various sources that may contribute to the overall smell of your house and doing these regular chores is the best way to keep the air in your house smelling fresh.