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Do you think that it is important for any kid to fall in love with math? We think you are right! Remember, math can be a game for any kid

Math – is everywhere. And it is important to make children understand, that math isn’t just a boring task, and it is very useful in everyday life. If you can explain the ways it may be helpful in every person’s life, a kid is most likely to love the subject later at school, college or university due to the awareness of its relevance. If a child can see the ‘’magic’’ of Math, there will be no questions why he or she has to learn it.
Math is not about boring things! Below you can find the best ways, how to help your child to love math:
1. Change math into a game
Children at age from 6-8 shouldn’t just accomplish tasks from a book. They will definitely hate math for the rest of their life. Adults should convey to kids, that math is not just numbers and equations. Why not change it into a game? For example, while going shopping, give them cash and suggest buying something for this amount of money. Add goods, find cheaper things to buy more for less spending.
Play games that your child likes. Does he or she like cars? Then ask a kid to count every red, yellow or green car you see. Different constructors, origami, strategic board games, and logical puzzles – all these games are very exciting and will help children admire math.
2. Try not to overload with tasks
Of course, if children have to do lots of homework, they usually get bored very fast and lose their concentration. Suggest taking breaks each 20 minutes while studying.
If there is a big amount of projects, tasks and essays to do in a short period of time, and your kid is already tired, try to help with homework assignments. Luckily, there are online solver websites, that can help with homework. For example, you can ask PaperLeaf to help with any kind of tasks like writing projects, essays or working on the case studies. The greatest thing is that the kid will not feel himself like a dish-towel and will have enough time to do home tasks thoughtfully.
3. Find a teacher your child will accept
Sometimes children don’t want to learn any subject because of the school teacher. Maybe your kid is just afraid of a very strict teacher? Or maybe he or she is shy, because an educator always laughs at or points out learners’ mistakes? You should know everything, what is going on at school to help your child to handle any situation in time.
It is also very important to find a personal tutor, who can clearly explain new material and gain child’s trust. Professional tutor can show that math is easier than it looks and there is no need to be afraid of it.
So, the most important thing is to help children understand how math could be used in real life and help them to learn new materials step by step. Explain your kid that this interesting subject will come in handy in the future. Be patient, creative and good luck!