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Many kids these days grow up feeling entitled. They think that they have the right to do anything they want. They don’t listen to the elderly. They don’t follow instructions. They bully others they think are inferior. You don’t want to see your kids head in this direction. It’s not only frustrating but also embarrassing. The way your kids turn out to be is also a reflection of how you raised them when they were young. These are some tips to ensure your kids remain respectful, loving, kind, and not entitled at all.

Teach them to do household chores
It doesn’t matter if you have help at home. You still need to teach your children to do basic household chores. Cleaning their room, washing their plates and slicing ingredients for cooking are among the tasks they can start doing at a young age. It’s not only about doing their share but making them realise that you don’t serve everything on a silver plate. You also want them to learn to do things on their own since you won’t always be there for them.
Learn how to say no to them
You can’t always let your kids do what they want. Even if they try to justify their actions, you have to say no if you think it’s not good for them. For instance, if you already agreed to let them use their phone for only two hours in the evening, you can’t give any extension. If you allow them to beg you and you grant what they want, they will keep disobeying you. It’s also important for them to realise the value of emf protection while using their phone. Even if they don’t want to carry or wear one, they have no choice but to do it.
Be honest about your family problems
Don’t hide your problems from your kids. If you have marital issues, you need to let them know what could happen in the future. Don’t spare your kids to protect them. They need to understand what lies ahead so they can prepare themselves. If you have money issues, you also need to teach your kids to be thrifty. If they keep spending money mindlessly, they will grow up to feel entitled. Understanding these issues will make them realise the value of what they’re spending and how much they’re asking from you.
Explain how you got to where you are now
If you can say that you’re well-off now, you have to make your kids feel that you didn’t get what you want overnight. You worked hard to be where you are now. They need to work hard too if they want to reach greater heights in the future. Things might come easy to them now, but they will have to do things on their own if you’re no longer around to provide for them.
Kids who don’t feel entitled are responsible and caring. They value everything they receive. And having these values will make you become proud of them.