Taking care of your skin throughout your life is important so you can look good and feel great. Whenever you notice any changes in your skin, you must see the appropriate provider to determine the underlying causes, treat the problem, and try and prevent any future occurrences. Keep reading for some top tips on how to best care for your skin.

Treat Any Skin Conditions
If you have problem areas on your skin, you are not alone. They are varied and common occurrences. One prevalent skin condition is psoriasis. It comes in many forms and can be frustrating and problematic for many people. If you are one of them, here are some tips for treating psoriasis symptoms.
One of the best things you can do for your skin when you do experience concerns with its overall health is to have it checked by a qualified professional. This is especially the case if you require sensitive skincare. There are a variety of positive and proactive options with combinations of modern medicine and healthy lifestyle practices that you and your provider are sure to use to find solutions to help you with what ails you.
Following a healthy diet with plenty of antioxidants and drinking enough water are both beneficial means to treat your body well and obtain the nutrients you need to be healthy.
Wear Sunscreen
You may have heard it time and again, but it bears repeating: Wear your sunscreen every day. It is not reasonable or prudent to stay out of the sun throughout your life. Instead, protect yourself. Apply sunscreen per the product’s instructions and reapply it as needed and necessary – especially after sweating and being in the water.
There are two different types of sunscreen, physical and chemical.
- Physical Sunscreen – This type of sunscreen is also known as mineral sunscreen. After you apply it, the sunscreen sits on top of your skin to form a barrier against the sun instead of being absorbed by your skin. This barrier reflects the sun’s rays, preventing them from coming into contact with your skin. The primary ingredients are zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.
- Chemical Sunscreen – These sunscreens are absorbed into your skin where their active ingredients in turn absorb the sun’s UV rays and convert them into heat that is then released from your body. The main ingredients are carbon-based and include avobenzone, octinoxate, octisalate, and oxybenzone.
Regardless of which type of sunscreen you select, wearing it and making the application a part of your daily routine is what matters.
Here is an informative video discussing how your skin works and what it does for you in addition to information on ways to protect it.
Dress for the Sun
Along with proper sunscreen usage, donning a stylish wide-brimmed hat or baseball hat will minimize sun exposure on your body. A wide-brimmed hat will help protect your ears and the back of your neck better than other types of hats.
Wear long-sleeved shirts when doing lawn care to minimize sun exposure and allow plants and other irritants to come into contact with your skin. When you are swimming, consider adding a long-sleeved rash guard over your swimsuit for another layer of sun protection.
Wear regular or prescription sunglasses to help shield your eyes from the sun’s damaging rays and overexposure. Some prescription contact lenses offer sun protection, too. As a bonus, when your eyes are shielded from the sun, you will not reflexively squint, thus helping to stave off wrinkles around your eyes.
See an Aesthetician
If you have never seen an aesthetician before, now is your chance to treat yourself. A certified aesthetician is a cosmetic professional who is trained to apply skin treatments, facials, and cosmetic treatments. They can also perform hair removal procedures.
When you visit your aesthetician, you will get a chance to receive pampering and overall skin care. Many of the treatments you will receive are relaxing and will offer you some much-needed stress relief as a beneficial bonus.
An aesthetician can also provide expert makeup application, tips, and education. They will guide you on the best colors to complement and enhance your skin at different stages in your life. Visit one before a special occasion, such as a wedding, anniversary or taking family pictures to receive an expert makeup application for your upcoming event.
Schedule a Dermatology Appointment
You must schedule an annual appointment with your dermatologist for several reasons.
- Skin Cancer Check – Over time, you may notice changes in freckles and moles or the development of new ones. If you see changes in the outline or color of your sun spots, schedule an appointment right away. Otherwise, your dermatologist will perform a skin check over your entire body to check for any skin cancer concerns.
- Eliminate Acne – Regardless of your age, you may experience acne symptoms. Sometimes this happens as hormones change in youth, during pregnancy, or during menopause. Stress and major life changes can lead to more acne flare-ups as well. Your dermatologist will address any underlying conditions or hormonal issues and guide you on how best to treat and mitigate acne.
- Address Aging Skin – Aging skin does not always mean older skin. At each stage in life and as the years pass, your skin changes. This means that you might require different methods of caring for your skin. A certified dermatologist will assist you in curating a skincare regimen that is suitable for your skin type.
- Wrinkles – If you are beginning to see fine lines and wrinkles, know that it is a completely normal part of getting older. However, if you prefer to see fewer wrinkles in the mirror, your dermatologist will discuss your options with you, including fillers, Botox, etc.
No matter what path you choose or need to take, it is imperative that you take care of your skin and body. Staying healthy, being comfortable in your skin, and feeling good about how you look are all intertwined with what you do to protect yourself against internal and environmental factors as well as the naturally occurring again process. Treat yourself well. You deserve it.