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While a huge number of women desire to have larger breasts to improve their body’s aesthetic disposition, some who are naturally born with it want the opposite. Bigger is not always better, especially when your breasts affect your health negatively. You may not be aware of it, but that back pain that would not seem to go away may be caused by your big boobs.

Before you make the final decision to go under the knife and alter your boobs forever, it is important that you are aware of the possible outcomes of a breast reduction procedure.
What type of procedure is done for breast reduction?
Reduction mammoplasty, or breast reduction surgery as it is more popularly known, is the procedure done to reduce the size of extraordinarily large breasts in terms of its weight and general size. It is considered as a major surgery that involves the removal of excess fat, glandular tissue, and some skin from the breast.
What are the benefits of getting breast reduction surgery?
Women who have undergone breast reduction surgery have seen improvement in the areas of their sexual, physical, and psycho-social well-being.
What happens during a consultation?
Expect some assessments to be done during a consultation. Your surgeon will need to ensure that you are a good candidate for a breast reduction surgery. You will also learn more about the basics of the procedure. Do some further research, sites like offer a lot of in-depth information on this and other related topics. Discussions about the expected results of the surgery will take place and you may be a bit lost why the doctor uses grams when it comes to talking about reducing the measurement of your breasts instead of cup sizes. This can be pretty confusing as cup sizes are widely used when it comes to measuring the breasts, but these differ from one brand to another and there is no uniform standard. This is the reason why the metric system in grams is used to measure the amount of mass that is to be removed from the breast.
Do not hesitate to ask questions. It is highly recommended that you come into the consultation with a list of questions that you would want to ask to your surgeon.
Is breast reduction surgery covered by insurance?
Insurance coverage is an important factor that you should consider prior to getting a consultation or deciding on getting breast reduction surgery. As mentioned, reduction mammoplasty is a major surgery and is costly. You would want to give your insurance provider a call and confirm if the procedure is covered by your insurance policy. Some may need certain requirements to be fulfilled prior to handing their approval of covering part of the expenses of your breast reduction.
What is to be expected following a breast reduction surgery?
Rest and recovery follow after a breast reduction surgery as your body will feel swollen and you will feel pain. Expect that your breasts will look different, especially in the areas where the incisions are made. You will see obvious skin discoloration, bruising, as well as stitches. Your bosom will look grotesque right after the surgery, but its overall appearance will improve over time. Your doctor will prescribe pain medications to manage the soreness that you will feel during your healing period. Also, a common side effect is the loss of sensation around the nipple area. Not to worry as this will return after a few months.
Sleeping will pose a major challenge after your reduction mammoplasty. To minimize discomfort while getting your much needed slumber, be sure to have some extra pillows handy. Sleeping on your tummy is definitely a no-no during this time. Have pillows propped against your back, under your knees, and on your sides to prevent your body from any movement while you sleep.
Arduous activities should also be avoided for a month and a half at most as your body heals and recovers from the surgery. The only activity that your doctor will recommend some time following your operation is walking in order to prevent blood clots from developing. Be sure to obtain clearance from your doctor if you wish to do any activity that would require you to exert too much effort. Full recovery is expected six months after your breast reduction surgery.
Will the results be immediately seen after the surgery?
Your body will undergo changes as it heals, so the results of your breast reduction surgery may not be immediately seen after the surgery. After the swelling of the operated area is gone, you will find that the size and appearance of your change has significantly changed. Scars from stitches will eventually lighten and fade.
When is the best time to shop for new bras?
It is understandable that you would be itching to buy new sets of brassieres as your breasts settle and appear natural. However, shopping for new bras should be scheduled as soon as your doctor approves of it. Be sure to keep your healing progress in check with your doctor.