8 and 16 Bit Gaming… Back from the Dead
“If you put your hand far enough into the crack of your couch in the basement you’re likely to find an old SNES game cartridge… reach a little further and out comes a pop rock encrusted NES cartridge. Problem is, no matter how far you burrow, you’ll never come up with a full Nintendo classic game system… and you’ll never ever find a system that plays both NES and SNES games. Well luckily the Retro Duo NES/SNES Game System is here to solve all your 8 and 16 bit gaming needs. Two top loading cartridge slots, one for NES the other for SNES, ensure full compatibility with all your old games… and it’s completely couch lint free! Controllers are included of course, or you can plug in your own original SNES controllers for 100% accurate gaming nostalgia.”-Think Geek
Important Note:
The Retro Duo does not come with any cartridges or a built in game. You need to provide your own SNES or NES game cartridges. Don’t have any? Try eBay.
Product Features
- Game Console Plays Old Nintendo SNES and NES Games
- Two slots allow you to plug in an SNES or NES cartridge
- Switch chooses from NES (8 Bit) or SNES (16 Bit) mode
- Connects to your TV via standard composite video out or s-video out
- Stereo sound (depending on game)
- Comes with two SNES style controllers
- Plug compatible with original SNES controllers
- Plays most Japanese import games
- Main console measures a compact 16cm x 17cm x 4.5cm high
I remember Christmas morning as a little girl when we got our first Nintendo. We were so excited! We had a blast playing it as kids and in my mind no other system or games can compare. Ahhhh Nostalgia…So when I saw the Retro Duo NES/SNES Game System from Think Geek I knew I had to have it. I had a few old NES games stored in my garage, I know crazy right?! and I also order a few more on eBay. We have had a blast playing the old NES and SNES games on this system. Super Mario 3, Dr. Mario, Monopoly, Tetris, Paper Boy, just to name a few of my favorites. So fun.
Even my 4 year old is enjoying the games. I think it’s quite funny actually, give my 4 year old a Galaxy Tablet and he has no problem, needs no instruction. Give him the Retro Duo system & an NES game and he is like “How do I do this?” LOL 🙂 We are raising a complex generation. It’s too funny!
I highly recommend this game system to send you back to the 80’s & 90’s with some simple and entertaining game play. I like that it is a small console so it doesn’t take up much space. It is also really nice being able to play both Nintendo & Super Nintendo games on one system.
See this and all the fun and unique items available at www.ThinkGeek.com!
Retro Duo NES/SNES Game System from Think Geek gets Bragging Rights!